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HEALTH & PUBLIC SAFETY <br />JUNE 10, 2013 4:40 P.M. <br />Committee Members Present: Karen White, Dr. David Varner, Dr. Fred Ferlic, Tim Scott <br />Other Council Present: Henry Davis, Valerie Schey, Oliver Davis, Gavin Ferlic, Derek Dieter <br />Others Present: Kathy Cekanski- Farrand, Mike Schmuhl, Eric Horvath, Mayor Pete Buttigieg <br />Agenda: - Bill No. 09 -13 (Sub.) Chronic Problem Properties <br />- Update Beck's Lake <br />- Park Police <br />Councilmember Karen White, Chairperson of the Health & Public Safety Committee, with all committee <br />members present, called the meeting to order with three items on the agenda. <br />The first was substitute bill 09 -13 dealing with chronic problem property regulations. This bill is a result <br />of a collaborative effort among the Council, the Council Attorney, City Legal and Code enforcement. <br />This is a good example of what can be done when the mayor and council work together. <br />Karen White, a longtime proponent of neighborhood quality of life, opened explaining the problem with <br />houses that generate a disproportionate number of calls for service from Code Enforcement, Police and <br />Fire and agencies serving dysfunctional families. She then called upon Councilman Tim Scott who with <br />the help of a slide presentation detailed the extraordinary costs these properties place upon the City. <br />The bill Tim helped devise sets a schedule of calls and fines for repeated calls for service. Not meant <br />merely to be punitive, it also empowers people to report any threats of intimidation or retaliation for <br />reporting offenses. The bad owners or land lords are the targets of the bill. <br />During the follow -up Council discussion Henry Davis said current ordinances, if enforced, could take care <br />of the problem. He said that the cost assigned to multiple calls is specious because the responders do <br />not incur additional costs; but are being paid to do these tasks already. Derek Dieter asked about the <br />mechanics of how calls for service would be categorized, recorded and filed. Who would make the <br />determination? Derek foresees some implementation problems. Oliver Davis wanted to focus on and <br />show appreciation for the retaliation clause. He sees education of tenants as to their rights as being <br />critical. Fred Ferlic and Valerie Schey both applauded the merits of the bill. David Varner cautioned that <br />the bill will not change behaviors; but hopefully outcomes. Mayor Buttigieg said people have a right to <br />expect peace and quiet in their homes. He pointed to bad property managers who out - source their <br />problems to the City, shrugging their own responsibilities. He added that he appreciated the <br />collaborative effort and pledged to work to have the bill implemented by October 1 if passed. <br />Finally on motions by Tim Scott, seconded by David Varner the substitute bill was accepted. Then on a <br />motion to send favorably, seconded by David Varner the vote was to do just that. <br />The second agenda item was on an update on the status of Beck's Lake in light of the recent <br />Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) declaration that there were high levels of toxic substances in the <br />lake and surrounding soils. <br />