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<br />REGULAR MEETING MAY 23, 1977
<br />WHEREAS, a petition has been filed under the provisions of Chapter 119 of the Indiana Acts
<br />of 1937 by more than fifty (50) owners of taxable real estate of the City of South Bend, Indiana,
<br />requesting said Board of Park Commissioners of the Park District of the City of South Bend to
<br />issue park district bonds for the purpose of providing funds to be applied on the construction
<br />of a lighted baseball field at Belleville Park, the development of Paul F. Boehm Park (Edison
<br />Road), the replacement of the irrigation system at Erskine Golf Course, the construction of tennis
<br />courts at Riverside Manor and Voorde Parks, the lighting of tennis courts at Marshall Field, and
<br />for the complete renovation of Potawatomi Park Zoo located in Potawatomi Park, and on the payment
<br />of the incidental expenses in connection therewith and on account of the issuance of bonds there -
<br />fore;and
<br />WHEREAS, the Common Council finds that the construction of such park and park development
<br />and the complete renovation of Potawatomi Park Zoo by the Board of -Park Commissioners of the City
<br />of South Bend, Indiana, is in the best interest of and will be for the general benefit of the Cit,
<br />and its citizens; and
<br />WHEREAS, it is necessary for there to be an appropriation in an amount not to exceed Two
<br />Million One Hundred Seventy Thousand Dollars (2,170,000.00), in order that the above projects
<br />proceed.
<br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Common Council of the City of South Bend, Indiana:
<br />That the proposed issuance of park district bonds by the Board of Park Commissioners of the
<br />Park District of the City of South Bend, Indiana, in an amount not to exceed Two Million One
<br />Hundred Seventy Thousand Dollars (2,170,000.00), the purpose of which is to provide funds to be
<br />applied on the construction of a lighted baseball field at Belleville Park, the development of
<br />Paul F. Boehm Park (Edison Road), the replacement of the irrigation system at Erskine Golf Course,
<br />the construction of tennis courts at Riverside Manor and Voorde Parks, the lighting of tennis
<br />courts at Marshall Field, and for the complete renovation of Potawatomi Park Zoo, a public park
<br />within the City of South Bend, Indiana, is hereby approved.
<br />Passed and adopted by the Common Council of the City of South Bend, Indiana, on the 23 day of
<br />May 1977.
<br />/s/ Mary Christine Adams
<br />Member of the Common Council
<br />A public hearing was held at this time on the resolution. Mr. James Seitz, Superintendent of
<br />Public Parks, introduced Mr. Thomas Broden, Jerry Hubner, members of the Park Board, as.well
<br />as Allen Schrager, attorney for the Park Board. He said the Park Board is deeply concerned about
<br />the zoo. He said the response from the citizens of South Bend was overwhelming in their approval
<br />of the bond issue., He said the 11,388 persons who signed the bond petition clearly indicated
<br />they want a zoo in South Bend and that they want the other projects listed in the bond issue. He
<br />said the passage of the Animal Welfare Act of 1970 requires zoos to be licensed, and that
<br />Potawatomi is faced with either fixing the zoo or closing it down. He said in looking toward the
<br />future the Board decided to spend enough money to obtain a complete zoo which will meet the
<br />Federal requirements now and in the future. He said he had met with Dr. McCraley, County Health
<br />Officer, and reviewed the plans for the new zoo. He said Dr. McCraley made some recommendations
<br />that they will incorporate into the new plans. He said bond issues are expensive to prepare and
<br />sell and are very time consuming. He said it costs no more to sell bonds for $1.5 million than
<br />$225,000 and in his opinion it would be poor judgment and no doubt more expensive to sell bonds
<br />for $225,000 and try to improve the zoo on a piecemeal basis. He said that some trees will have
<br />to be removed for construction at the zoo, but the zoo plan calls for the planting of over one
<br />hundred trees and thousands of shrubs. Mrs. Irene Mutzl, 320 Parkovash, spoke against the bond
<br />issue. She indicated that seepage does flow into the St. Joseph River from the zoo. She in-
<br />dicated the three or four months the Park Board had to obtain signatures for the bond issue,
<br />against the thirty days to get remonstrator's signatures was not fair. She asked what the Counci:
<br />was prepared to cut out if they voted favorably for the resolution, because she was sure they
<br />were interested in keeping the tax rate as low as possible. She also asked how the bond issue
<br />would make the City a better place to live. Mrs. Judy Olson, 1641 Vernerlee Lane, spoke in
<br />favor of the bond issue, as a member of the Zoological Society. She said the 175,000 people
<br />who visit the zoo deserve a good zoo. Mr. Darrold Kollar, 2113 Hastings St., spoke against
<br />the bond issue. He said there were other projects in South Bend that should have priority over
<br />animals. Council Member Taylor indicated both sides had an opportunity to express themselves
<br />and it showed beyond any kind of a doubt that the majority of the people favor the necessary
<br />improvements to the zoo. He said in response to Mrs. Mutzl's question, we have to be interested
<br />in the quality of life in the City. He said you measure a city by basic.services, but you also
<br />measure it by its parks. He said the Council will scrutinize the entire City budget and wherever
<br />they can save money they will do it. Council Member Adams indicated that last year the Council
<br />cut the budget below the frozen tax rate. Council President Parent said he thought the zoo is
<br />probably the least expensive park activity, looking at the total number of people that are served
<br />by that park. He said he supported the bond issue and commended the Park Board, private organiza-
<br />tions and citizens that worked on this. Council Member Horvath made a motion to adopt this
<br />resolution, seconded by Council Member Szymkowiak. The resolution passed by a roll call vote of
<br />nine ayes.
<br />WHEREAS, the Off - Street Parking Revenue Bond Fund, as of the most recent auditing of its
<br />accounts, has been shown to be indebted to the General Fund of the City of South Bend, in the
<br />amount of one hundred and fourteen thousand, two hundred and six dollars ($114,206.00) charged
<br />to the On- Street Parking Meter Fund for services performed by the South Bend Meter Maids in
<br />controlling the use of metered parking spaces in the downtown area; and,
<br />