<br />Mr. Parker indicated that all the Council was doing was setting this for public hearing on March
<br />14, 1977. Mr. Manion indicated he felt this resolution was overbroad and did not require this
<br />type of detail. He said the purpose was to set up the notice for a public hearing and to go into
<br />the other detail was liable to put an implied contract and obligation on the Council. He said
<br />if they were trying to set up a notice to the general public only one or two paragraphs were
<br />needed. He said he did not think the purpose of the statute was for the Council to commit itself
<br />Mrs. Jane Swan, 2022 Swygart, asked when this matter was made known to the Council. Council
<br />President Parent indicated they were told there was some thought that the City would purchase
<br />Clay Utilities, on February 7. Mrs. Swan indicated she did not see that there is a need to pur-
<br />chase this utility, as indicated in the resolution. She said she thought this was a bad resolu-
<br />tion and was coming on too fast. Mayor Peter J. Nemeth said he thought this purchase was indicate
<br />to the Council last fall. He said that Mishawaka used the same resolutio4 and he would say that
<br />if the Council was at all interested in purchasing the utility they should pass this resolution.
<br />Mrs. Gleason asked if there was no middle road. She indicated to the Mayor that he was saying
<br />either pass this resolution or quit. Mayor Nemeth indicated that was exactly what he was saying.
<br />Mrs. Gleason indicated she felt there was a real push and she did not think it was necessary to
<br />move that quickly. Council Member Dombrowski asked why Clay Utilities did not start with South
<br />Bend, why they started with Mishawaka. Mayor Nemeth said that Mishawaka purchased the utility
<br />to help service the mall. He said they approached the City last fall and indicated there was a
<br />deadline. He said that at that time he did not know if the City would be interested. He said
<br />that in October the City first started to look at this seriously. He said when they received
<br />the consultant's report indicated it was a good price, they got down to serious business. Counci:
<br />Member Adams indicated that the question will be the interpretation of the lessor if this resolu-
<br />tion would not be passed. She asked if Mr. Fitterlinq was in attendance at the meeting so he
<br />would tell the Council what it would mean. Mayor Nemeth asked what difference it makes. Council
<br />Member Adams indicated she had consulted an attorney who indicated that suit could be filed be-
<br />cause the Council indicated there was a need. She asked if it would be possible to hold a specia:
<br />meeting on February 22 in order that the Council could have more time to study this matter. The
<br />Mayor indicated there would be no reason to hold such a meeting. Council Member Kopczynski asked
<br />how much money has been expended thus far on this purchase. Mr. John Stancati, Director of
<br />Utilities, indicated approximately $5,000 in the hiring of a consulting firm. Council President
<br />Parent indicated the entire procedure has been a debate on the definition of this resolution.
<br />Mayor Nemeth indicated that the City had annexed certain parts of Clay and German Township and
<br />they lost the court case because the City could not provide utilities. He said this was a profit
<br />making operation and the City will come out ahead. Council Member Taylor indicated it was obvious
<br />that the Council had not made up its mind about this purchase. He said it was obvious that a numl
<br />of Councilmen wanted to conduct an investigation of the entire matter. He said if the Council
<br />made a poor deal for the City they would be severely criticized. Council Member Serge asked if
<br />the City was selling water to Clay. Mr. Stancati indicated the City was selling water to Clay.
<br />He said the City could handle this utility without any additional manpower. Council President
<br />Parent indicated he disagreed with paragraph two of the resolution, as well as paragraphs three
<br />four, five and six. Council Member Adams made a motion to strike out paragraphs two, three,
<br />four, five and six, remove the word "and" in the first paragraph, as well as "be it further re-
<br />solved"in the last paragraph and substitute Now, therefore, be it resolved, seconded by Council
<br />Member Dombrowski. The Mayor indicated they would have to check with bond counsel and if they
<br />would not accept this resolution as amended he would call a special meeting. Council Member
<br />Kopczynski indicated that this was just another case of matters coming before the Council and the
<br />Council does not have time to get into it thoroughly. Council Member Miller indicated he dis-
<br />agreed. He said he had time to read this matter and he agreed with the resolution. Council
<br />President Parent indicated that this proposed project would cost two million dollars and the
<br />Council should explore it very thoroughly. The motion to amend carried, with Council Member
<br />Miller opposing. Mr. Thomas Brunner, City Attorney, asked that the amended resolution be read
<br />into the record. Council Member Adams read the amended resolution as follows "WHEREAS, negotia-
<br />tions have been conducted over an extended period of time between the Administration and Clay
<br />Utilities, Inc., culminating in a form of Lease for waterworks facilities and a form of Lease for
<br />sewage disposal facilities from Clay Utilities, Inc., which Leases have been approved by the
<br />Utility. Now, Therefore, be it Resolved, that the City Clerk cause a notice to be prepared in
<br />due legal form of the hearing on the proposed leases for waterworks facilities and sewage dis-
<br />posal facilities with Clay Utilities, Inc.; that the hearing be had at the regular meeting of
<br />this Council to be held on the 14th day of March, 1977, at the hour of 7:00 p.m. (E.S.T.); that
<br />a copy of the proposed leases be placed on public file in the office of the City Clerk starting
<br />tomorrow and remain available to the public until the time of the hearing. Council Member Taylor
<br />made a motion to adopt the resolution, as amended, seconded by Council Member Dombrowski. The
<br />resolution was adopted by a roll call vote of nine ayes (Council Members Serge, Szymkowiak, Millet
<br />Taylor, Kopczynski, Adams, Dombrowski, Horvath and Parent).
<br />A public hearing was held at this time on the resolution. Mr. Robert Parker, Chief Deputy Attorni
<br />indicated this was a proposed fifth amendment to the original contract between Clay Utilities and
<br />the City. He said the effect of this amendment would be to provide for continuation of good fait]
<br />negotiations for acquisition of a lease - purchase agreement for Clay water works and sewage faciliā¢
<br />ties. He said this would also provide for the acquisition of wells and land formerly owned by
<br />Aqua, Inc., and now owned by Clay Utilities for $92,985. He said this would release the Clay
<br />Utilities water franchise and sewer certification area in Clay, German, Center and Penn Townships
<br />to the City and transfer this certification area and franchise, conditional upon acceptance of the
<br />lease - purchase agreements. He said this would release from the water service and sewer service
<br />areas the tract of land proposed as a voluntary annexation adjacent to Laurel Road. He said this
<br />release is irrespective of the approval of the lease - purchase agreements.
<br />