<br />The public that we have interviewed supports Mr. Kopczynski in his dedication for accountability
<br />to them. Council President Parent said that he would like her not to mention either support or
<br />non - support of any Councilman at this point. He said they were going to be ruling again on an
<br />investigation. Mrs. Mutzl said she understood this, however, at one time Council President
<br />Parent had written her a letter that she had interupted him seven times, and that if he had not
<br />interupted her now she would have been finished in a couple of sentences. She ask Council
<br />President Parent if she could continue, and he said she could finish. Mrs. Mutzl finished her
<br />statement by indicating that they could go to court if they deemed necessary, but as a Council
<br />please conduct city business. She indcated that Mr. Kopczynski could no more get an impartial
<br />review on this Council than a snowball on a hot stove. She said that for the good of the city,
<br />would the Council please forget the whole thing.
<br />Council President Parent said that first of all the public may think the Council was only
<br />occupied with the matters-of this investigation, but that was not true. He said he was taking
<br />care of the day to day matters as he normally does.
<br />Mrs. Jane Swan, 2022 Swygart, said that she was speaking now in case there would be no public
<br />discussion allowed later. She said she would like to go to Councilman Taylor's press release
<br />where there was a mention of a thorough and impartial investigation. She said that impartial
<br />means free from partiality and unbiased. She indicated there were nine men sitting there, two
<br />of them very directly involved, therefore you have 220% that are not unbiased; Councilman Serge
<br />was not in attendance, which brings it up to 33 %; Councilman Horvath has taken a stand, 44% who
<br />are not unbiased. She said she would not try to second guess Councilmen Dombrowski and Parent,
<br />but Councilwoman Adams has made it clear how she felt regarding this being a political matter.
<br />She said that Councilman Miller indicated he did not feel the Council has the jurisdiction to
<br />investigate itself. She said that so far, Councilman Szymkowiak, seemed to be completely un-
<br />biased. She asked how an impartial investigation of the situation could possibly be made. She
<br />said she would like to ask Councilman Dombrowski something regarding comments made at the last
<br />caucus meeting, where he indicated he did not intend to sit on the Council and have it act like
<br />it did the last four years. She said she had attended 800% of those meetings and she would like
<br />to know on what he based his remark. Councilman Dombrowski said there were many shouting matche
<br />and asked how many she had seen. Mrs. Swan asked Councilman Dombrowski how many he had seen, be-
<br />cause she was there. Councilman Dombrowski said he had seen quite a few, he said he had seen
<br />finagling in which Mrs. Swan was involved. Mrs. Swan asked Councilman Dombrowski to explain thi
<br />Councilman Dombrowski indicated that it was on the minutes. Council President Parent said they
<br />were not going to tolerate any debating, and asked Mrs. Swan to make her point. Mrs. Swan said
<br />she had attended the meetings and had not seen Councilman Dombrowski. She said that an impartial
<br />investigation could not be conducted by this Council.
<br />Ben Johnson, representative of the Southeast Neighborhood, said he would like to comment on the
<br />nature of the rehab work that is being done. He said it is so messed up, they feel they should
<br />not have participated in the program. He said the Southeast Side is the only area that has
<br />three Councilmen. He said the rehab program has been a disaster on the Southeast Side of town,
<br />and they think there needs to be an investigation. Council President Parent said the Council
<br />was in the process of studying various problems on Community Development funds. He said he
<br />would ask Mr. Gilkey to look into this.
<br />Mrs. Elsie Breit, 3017 W. Ford, read the following statement: It has been very noticeable for
<br />several months that five men on our City Council became a group or a so called "team ". I wish
<br />to emphasize that Councilman Miller is not one of them. If I recall correctly, they became a
<br />team of five at the time of the bicycle law. This occurred in the past administration, when
<br />former Mayor Jerry Miller and the present Mayor Peter Nemeth each proposed a law. The "team"
<br />voted to enforce, the Miller Bicycle Law. It was very obvious, to the people who attended the
<br />Council meetings, that from this time on they voted for everything that former Mayor Miller
<br />wanted or didn't want. There is one exception at the present time. We now have a new Council-
<br />man at Large, Richard Dombrowski. As the Tribune stated, he has been rewarded "with the vice
<br />presidency of the City Council for his vote in the presidency." As for the Council as a team;
<br />we wonder why Roger Parent, as president, doesn't put a stop to this action instead of acting
<br />as the leader. We now have a New Mayor and a New Administration. We strongly urge this group
<br />to disband, and start voting individually, the way they personally think would be for the good
<br />of the people of South Bend. After all, gentlemen, we are the ones who voted you in and pay
<br />your salary. You are there to work for us. Remember, at the next election, we can certainly
<br />vote you out again. Several people that I have talked to seem to think you are staying as a
<br />group to fight the present administration and vote against it, instead of with it, as you did
<br />in the past.
<br />Council President Parent said that the Council tends to go along with most things the administra-
<br />tion proposes. He said that in fact the differences were minimal. He said he would predict
<br />that this Council will work well with the administration. He said they would be an independent
<br />Council, but that is the way it was going to be. He said it was very difficult for the public
<br />to really know what was going on, and what the public heard in the media was really the tip
<br />of the iceburg.
<br />Council President Parent said that as the chairperson of the Council he is not allowed to make
<br />a motion, and that he would ask for someone to make the motion he proposed. Councilman Taylor
<br />made a motion to ask the South Bend City Council to undertake a thorough and impartial inquiry
<br />of the incident which occurred between Councilmen Robert Taylor and Walter Kopczynski during
<br />the Council caucus held January 19,1976, seconded by Councilman Dombrowski.
<br />Council President Parent said he would entertain a motion that the discussion on this be kept
<br />to the Council, attorneys and the press. Councilman Horvath made such a motion, seconded by
<br />Councilman Taylor. Councilman Szymkowiak said he felt thepublic should be allowed to express
<br />their opinions. Councilman Adams said she felt the questions raised by the attorneys' opinions
<br />might be such that the public might want to speak, so she felt they should be allowed to speak,
<br />to the matter. Council President Parent attempted to explain the reasoning behind his motion,
<br />however, Councilman Adams called for a point of order, and said she believed the chair must
<br />