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REGULAR MEETING <br />JANUARY 19, 1976 <br />The delivery date for Peter Pirsch and Sons is twelve to fourteen months, while Michiana Mack <br />has promised delivery of one unit in 120 days, one unit in 150 days and one unit in 180 days. <br />Mr. Farrand said it was the opinion of the Board of Public Works that both Peter Pirsch and Sons <br />Company and Michiana Mack, Inc., provide excellent equipment. However, the advantages of <br />standardization of equipment outweigh the cost savings reflected in this specific instance. <br />Fire Chief Snider said he invited the Councilmen to look at the Peter Pirsch, since we do not <br />have any in service. He said that two Councilmen did go to the factory in Kenosha, Wisconsin. <br />He stated that he felt that the Peter Pirsch chassis was comparable with the Mack, but the <br />custom work was far superior. <br />Councilman Horvath said that it was his understanding that while at the Pirsch factory they did <br />not see a truck comparable with the one they would bid on. <br />Mr. Gene Evans, Executive Secretary of the Civic Planning Association, said that he recalled in <br />the Board of Public Works meeting, when the decision was made, he raised an objection because they <br />were not purchasing the lowest price unit. The trucks and equipment are growing larger, year <br />by year and eventually the City of South Bend is going to be faced with getting any new equip- <br />ment into the fire house, so there will be a need to make fire station doorways larger to <br />accomodate new equipment. In regard to standardization of the fire fleet by using Macks, Mr. <br />Evans expressed concern that eventually this might remove the City from competitive bidding. <br />I appreciate the desire to standardize, if it were my fleet I certainly would, but we give up <br />something when we do this. <br />Mr. Ronald Delcamp, Vice President and General Manager of Michiana Mack, said that on approxi- <br />mately December 20, 1975, he received a letter of intent from the Board of Works. In order to <br />maintain the fast delivery we quoted, I committed Michiana Mack for three fire trucks to the <br />City of South Bend, which I now own, and I think this is a fact that should be considered. He <br />said that had this been a scratch order it would be different situation, because at this point <br />we would just be involved in the basic work, but now we are at the point of an order that <br />should be six or eight months down the line. He said that Mr. Evans has a point that standardi- <br />zation removes the competition factor. However, as long as your specifications are comparable, <br />you can go with two manufacturers. So I do not believe that by buying Michiana Mack pumpers <br />you are by any means locked into a situation. <br />Mrs. Jane Swan, 2022 Swygart, asked if the side mounted lights would be on one side or both. <br />Chief Snider said there would be one on each side or on the hood with a reflector. Mrs. Swan <br />asked that since the side mounts were a variation from the specifications would there be an <br />additional charge, and Chief Snider said, No. <br />Mr. Brad Tinkham, President <br />purchased three chassis and <br />one of the hazards of doing <br />zation of equipment but he <br />two makes, but not one. He <br />bid. <br />of Shamrock Ford, said that prior to <br />he now owns them and cannot bid them <br />business. He said there was a great <br />did not know of a major truck fleet t] <br />wanted to know what dollar value you <br />rejection of his bid he had <br />to the City, he said that was <br />deal of validity in standardi- <br />zat standardized on one make, <br />standardize on the low or high <br />Councilman Taylor said he would like to know the delivery dates on the Mack and the Pirsch. Mr. <br />Farrand said that two Macks would be delivered in approximately six months and the third twelve <br />to fourteen months. All three Pirsch have twelve to fourteen months delivery dates. Council- <br />man Taylor said that both ex -chief Bland and Fire Chief Snider say there is a real need, so I <br />do think one of the facts involved is the potential for delivery date. Chief Snider commented <br />that Pirsch is superior on their workmanship, and I would like to know what you base your <br />opinion on. Chief Snider said he based it on past experience with Macks, he said they were <br />having a lot of minor problems. Councilman Taylor said it was his understanding that most of the <br />people on the Department were happy with the Macks. Chief Snider indicated they were happy becau <br />they are upgraded over the older equipment. Councilman Taylor said that he respected Mr. Farrand <br />judgement, and said he thought Council was getting close to an affair that belonged to the Board <br />of Works. He said he did not think Council should make the decision and would recommend that <br />Council appropriate the necessary amount of funds for the purchase. <br />Councilman Kopczynski said that at the time the bids were submitted the previous Board of Works <br />sent a letter of intent to purchase the Macks, and they did not have any knowledge of the Pirsch <br />equipment. It was only last Friday that Mr. Farrand went with the group to the Pirsch factory. <br />As far as getting into the area of the Board of Works, I feel under certain circumstances we <br />would not be doing our job as Councilmen if we did not review these decisions. It is our duty <br />as Councilmen to make certain the money we appropriate is spent wisely. These are the types of <br />things I get into and I think fortunate for the City I do, that is for the taxpayer. I cannot <br />put stock in some of the recommendations of the administration. I think it is very unfair we Ka- <br />to appropriate money for a purchase that should have taken more time to get into and not have a <br />crash program to buy fire trucks. I feel the money should not be appropriated at all until such <br />time as the Board of Works will take the necessary time to deliberate fully and openly on bids <br />for fire trucks. <br />Councilman Adams asked if the Macks would fit in all existing stations. Chief Snider said with <br />the specified lights they will not fit. However, an arrangement was made to put a lower profile <br />light that will fit into the fire stations, but this was not in the specifications. Councilman <br />Adams questioned Mr. Farrand regarding the savings of $16,000.00 by accepting the Pirsch bid, <br />however, in caucus it was indicated there would be another $3,000.00 savings by paying a down - <br />payment. Mr. Farrand said that we cannot, in accordance with state law, make a down payment. <br />Councilman Dombrowski indicated he was disappointed they did not see an actual truck when they <br />visited the Pirsch factory. He said he thought the maneuverability of the Mack was best, and this <br />was a big point to consider. He indicated he visited some fire stations, and they recommended <br />the Mack highly. He said that in the First District there is a truck that cannot make a hill, <br />so he would recommend favorably the Council pass this tonight. Council President Parent seconded <br />the motion. <br />Council President Parent indicated the Council should not be involved in the type of fire truck <br />the City is going to purchase. All the Council, in December, wanted Macks, now they feel they do <br />not want Mack trucks. The Board of Works made the decision, a letter of intent was written to <br />the company, and the Council was asked if they had any objection to writing the letter and there <br />was no objection. <br />