<br />that he was quite satisfied, and he felt the budget was realistic. Mr. Evans stated that the drug
<br />abuse program had additional sources of funding. He wondered how an intelligent decision had been
<br />made on how much the city would provide. He also wondered about the total need of the program and
<br />the total receipt of funds from all sources. He hoped the Council would find out the answers to
<br />those questions. Chairman Newburn asked if Mr. Stephens could provide answers to those questions.
<br />Mr. Stephens stated that there were several components to the program. One was the Lighthouse
<br />Treatment Center which received funds from the National Institute of Drug Abuse on a per capita
<br />basis. The next component was Aurora House, which was the day treatment area supported through the
<br />general funds of the Mental Health Center. He stated that these funds come from St. Joseph County
<br />and the State Department of Mental Health. He stated that the central services component was
<br />supported by the ordinance and general revenues of the health center. He stated that Delos House
<br />was supported solely by the City of South Bend, except for a small amount of revenue which was
<br />received from the Bureau of Prisons for clients who are probated from the prisons to the program.
<br />He indicated that, in the life of the Delos House program, that source of revenue brought in
<br />approximately $6,000. Mr. Paul Bognar, 807 West Washington Street, wondered if any of the money
<br />would be used for relocation of Delos House or the purchase of other property for the program,
<br />and Mr. Stephens indicated that it would not be used for relocation. Mrs. Delores Kovas, 608 Park
<br />Avenue, wondered about the amount of $14,000 which had been reported in the newspaper as funds
<br />being received from the Bureau of Prisons. She stated that Mr. Stephens had previously stated
<br />that only $6,000 had been received. Mr. Stephens indicated that the amount of $14,000 was the
<br />total amount received; however, only $6,000 had been put into the Delos House operation. Mr.
<br />Geoffrey Newman, Chairman of the Metropolitan Drug Abuse Council, residing at 1955 Brookmede Drive
<br />read a statement in support of the continuation of the program. He talked about the need for a
<br />residential treatment center within the drug abuse program, and the need for a comprehensive pro-
<br />gram in South Bend. He asked that the Council give the program time to function. He indicated
<br />that it was not the wish of the program to cause disruption within the community. He commended
<br />the Council and the administration for accepting the idea of a site relocation committee for the
<br />controversial residential treatment center. He indicated that the program desired to move and
<br />would move as soon as an appropriate place was found. Mr. Donald Fisher, 909 Riverside Drive,
<br />indicated that the residents in the area of Delos House were very grateful at the apparent efforts
<br />of the committee to relocate the controversial treatment center. He thanked the Council for its
<br />cooperation and its sincere interests of the citizens.
<br />Councilman Taylor made a motion to add a clause to the ordinance that provided for a line item
<br />budget as prepared by the Northern Indiana Drug Abuse Services, seconded by Councilman Horvath.
<br />Councilman Nemeth wondered if a new ordinance would have to be drafted if the line items were to
<br />be included. Mr. Walter Lantz, Chief Deputy Controller, stated that the reason the ordinance was
<br />drafted as proposed was because the program was administered by the Mental Health Center. He
<br />indicated that, if the amendment did not interfere with the basic structure of the ordinance, ther
<br />would be no problem. Councilman Miller wondered if the Council could insert a clause such as "the
<br />amounts under services contractual shall be spent as shown below" and then attach the budget to
<br />the ordinance. Councilman Nemeth suggested that perhaps the budget could be marked as an exhibit
<br />and incorporated into the ordinance. Councilman Taylor withdrew his previous motion and Councilma:.
<br />Horvath withdrew his second to that motion. Councilman Nemeth asked that the Attorney's Office
<br />provide the Council with the necessary wording in time for the second reading and final action on
<br />the ordinance. Councilman Szymkowiak wondered how much money was contributed to the program from
<br />the United Way. Mr. Stephens indicated that the United Way does not contribute to the program
<br />but contributes to the Mental Health Center in approximately the amount of $9,000 per year for the
<br />components of the center, such as capital equipment. He stated that, in the past, the United Way
<br />had contributed for operation of programs but now only contributed its funds for capital equipment
<br />Councilman Szymkowiak wondered about the total amount needed for the drug abuse program for the
<br />year. Mr. Stephens indicated that the total program would cost approximately $375,000 a year.
<br />Approximately $275,000 would come from other sources, with the city contributing $100,000 in reveni
<br />sharing funds. Councilman Szymkowiak wondered about the total number of patients being served.
<br />Mr. Stephens indicated that 109 clients are benefiting from the drug abuse program. He stated
<br />that the number of people treated annually was in the thousands. He indicated that the success of
<br />the program could not be made merely on the number of persons enrolled in the program. Councilman
<br />Szymkowiak wondered who set the salary for the staff members, and Mr. Stephens indicated that the
<br />Board of Directors of the Mental Health Center administered that aspect of the program. Councilma]
<br />Szymkowiak felt the Mental Health Center should be separated from the drug abuse program. Council
<br />Kopczynski wondered about the average daily residence at the Delos House during the past few
<br />months. Councilman Miller indicated that the average number was 18. Councilman Kopczynski indica
<br />that the budget had been prepared and based on 25 persons. He wondered how much money was left
<br />from the past year's budget. Mr. Stephens indicated that the last appropriation was to carry the
<br />program to February 15th. He felt there might be a small deficit at that time. Councilman
<br />Kopczynski indicated that the budget was based on the anticipated enrollment of 25 persons. He
<br />stated that only 18 persons were enrolled: 12 at the Delos House and 6 outpatients. He wondered
<br />how many of the 12 persons at the Delos House received a salary, and Dr. J. Rene Wilett, Executive
<br />Director of the Northern Indiana Drug Abuse Services, indicated that none of the 12 individuals
<br />enrolled in the program received a salary. Councilman Kopczynski indicated that he understood tha
<br />some of the advanced patients were doing counseling work. Dr. Wilett indicated that this was not
<br />true. Councilman Kopczynski indicated that the living accommodations were not adequate for 25
<br />persons. He felt the budget should be adjusted to the amount of people in the program. Council
<br />President Parent stated that he was proud of the services being provided to the community. He
<br />felt that, for a program that was supposed to be experimental, the present request should be
<br />approved.
<br />Council President Parent made a motion to recommend the ordinance favorably to the Common Council,
<br />seconded by Councilman Serge. Councilman Horvath stated that he felt the Council had committed
<br />itself to the drug abuse program, and he hoped the council would approve the appropriation of the
<br />requested funds. The motion carried.
<br />$100,000.00 TO ACCOUNT NO. 260.0, "OTHER
<br />This being the time heretofore set for public hearing on the above ordinance, proponents and
<br />