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INDIANA MORTGAGE REPORT <br />1 g <br />1 `~~ <br />k <br />~ ~2 <br />A <br />P ~~ <br />ti <br />~, <br />a~ <br />~~ <br />o~ <br />Vpp <br />k? <br />N~ <br />suaver onDl=_aE~n er: STANDARD !=EOERAL <br />euTVer naTtn February 8, 1991 <br />PIE ~: 91334 ADDRESS: 51750 Orange Road, South Bend, InTiana <br />LEGAL DESCRIPTIDN <br />-Af[tl t: A pereel el IanA In tAa Seu !hues! Du arter of Iectlen 1A, Ivvnshlp }ft NortA, Range 2 ~.ast anA desr.rihad as lellvvs: Aegl nnlnq In lha <br />center s/ Orange ReaA a! a pelnl 1500 last Nnrth al the Inlersectlon el tAa canter of Rrick Peed and Orange Road; th snce Cast 3A7 legit; Ihance <br />Rorlh 100 leaf; thence Ye sf S07 feet to tAe center of Orangr Read; thence Soath 100 Ise! to tht plats el beg{nnlnq, in St, Joseph Count(, Indiana. <br />-ARC[t If; tar! e/ the Cas! Nell el the Southwest Ouar ter vl Section 1A, Iovnsh{p 5A North, Aange 2 fast described as beginning In the center of <br />Orange Rned at a pelnt 1100 leaf North of the SautM1 Ifne of said Sectten 70; thence Cast 3N7 /ee t; thence North 700 legit; thence Yest }A7 feet to <br />(he center of Orange Rosd; thence Svuth 100 feet to the plate al beglnnin}. <br />-AAt[l 1117 Put of the SeulM1east Quarter el thn Snothvest Ovarter of Sec tl on 1A, Ivvnshlp SB North, Range 2 last dex rt hod as beginning at a <br />pole! 1(90.70 lee! [as! anA 1200 lee! NnrtM1 of tAe Southvnst corner of said Section sft, vhlch begs nn ing pvlnt Is os the center Ifne al Orange RoaA <br />et a polo! 1200 lest Forth of the tenter Ilna of Arlc4 Roaf (said center Ilne of Bric4 Road being the South Ifne of said Section Aft); r nning <br />thence Fast S07 tent; thence North 100 Intl; lhentn West je7 legit to the center of Orange Road; thence South along old Center Line 100 feet to <br />tAe place of beginning. <br />SubJect to legal hi ghve5s. <br />Sub lest to eegnants, restrlc tlom end easneents e7 record. <br />ORANGE <br />~tN lOD•D' 1 <br />O <br />In <br />~I O <br />t. <br />n <br />~) h <br />~~~ 3 <br />e~~y <br />R~ <br />_ ROAD <br />~00~ 604TH 100.0' <br />all W <br />0 <br />I. <br />ti <br />45 t,A.te~ h <br />RP4 3 <br />NOiE: This Lot or Parcel DO.S NOT fall <br />within the FLOOD NAIARD AREA as <br />defined by N.U.D. <br />l tti./. L i t+!'< l i-. c, ~a?E si.~t:y <br />,1.a. ~ ~ 0 ~? ~ ~C.~, <br /> <br />~-t Z <br />S~nL~ /'•=too' <br />--_Ir-- <br />to: Standard Federal ~,,,r <br />And Any ttTLE tNSDRANtE DNDERMIITER NNO INSURES THE TITLE SATD PROPENTY: ~pG tAS P <br />I, the undersigned AIA A Registered landpSurveyor and NERE6Y CENTITY: That ~ EI,p <br />theslocitlonrdetir1iA111alted to th t Igequtnd by ithe InLY: ThsSUNYETORrIOCATION ~•~~~~61STf,P~O ~' <br />REPORT' N Adopted by the Indiana Society oT 0 net L nd Surveyors, Inc. ~ eto. 30911 <br />on .lAn. 2!, [981: ihet there a2re no encroA rats h tha as shown? That NO T STATE OF <br />property corners rare set: /hot fence pro girt 11 should no ~f ~ ' rY <br />establlshld TroRl this report. 9 •. 'Yd-AM~ •• O <br />2/ 19/91 z'L~••.....•vti~ <br />.7,~SUR~,aaa <br />MqW// <br />CAr N on Deh N, OouglAS PA roe L.S. / S 0318 <br />PEIRCE & ASSOCIATES 1 <br />Land Surveyors 8a Professional Engineers <br />52578 U.S. N 33 North, P.O. Box 6160, South Bend, IN 46637 <br />219 / 277-5381 <br />