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REGULAR MEETING SEPTEMBER 23 1974 <br />COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MEETING (CONTINUED) <br />President Nemeth stated that the ordinance did not restrict the right of employees from partici- <br />pating in politics. He indicated that it restricted coercement of other employees. Regarding the <br />donations to the political parties, the political parties would also fall under the limit and coul( <br />not donate more than the specified amount to the candidates. Councilman Horvath asked for a clari- <br />fication on the party limitations. Council President Nemeth stated that the party would be limiter <br />to the amounts set forth in the ordinance. He indicated that it was presumed, in the fall election <br />that the party would function for all candidates. Mr. James Roemer, City Attorney, felt that some <br />further study of the ordinance was necessary in view of the comments made by the councilmen. <br />Regarding Section V, he stated that it was being legislated that there should be no more one percex <br />club. He stated that the Mayor has asked that the contributions be continued until the end of the <br />year in order that some alternative method could be worked out. He wondered about the effect of <br />"copying" a section from the Indiana Code regarding the prohibition of firemen and policemen from <br />engaging in political activities. He stated that the administration had proposed that every cabinE <br />officer and any employee earning $16,500 a year should make a personal financial disclosure to the <br />public. He stated that state laws pre -empt in the area of contribution and expenditure limitation: <br />He felt the Council did not have the legislative ability to set more stringent or less stringent <br />limitations. He stated that he would recommend that the Mayor veto the ordinance as amended, if <br />passed in that form, because of the limitations set. He again stated that he felt more time shoulc <br />be given to the ordinance and the proposed amendments. Chairman Newburn wanted to make clear the <br />fact that the ordinance was not a new ordinance -- merely an amended version of Council President <br />Nemeth's ordinance filed previously. Council President Nemeth wondered about Mr. Roemer's remarks <br />concerning the Council's limitation on candidates' expenditures and contributions. Mr. Roemer <br />felt that the state legislated in that area, and it was inappropriate for the Council to also <br />legislate in that area. Council President Nemeth wondered how Mr. Roemer could go along with dis- <br />closure of campaign contributions and expenditures as contained in the Mayor's ordinance. He' <br />referred to the Attorney General's opinion dated September 13, 1973, regarding limitations on <br />candidates' contributions and expenditures. According to that, there really was no limitation on <br />expenses, in his opinion. Mr. Roemer stated that, when the issue was researched, it was felt by <br />the Legal Department this could be distinguished. He requested that he be allowed more time to <br />study the ordinance. <br />There was a call for the question. Chairman Newburn requested a roll call vote on Council Presides <br />Nemeth's motion to amend the ordinance. The motion lost by a vote of six nays (Councilmen Serge, <br />Miller, Parent, Taylor, Horvath and Newburn) and three ayes (Councilmen Szymkowiak, Kopczynski and <br />Nemeth). Councilman Taylor stated that the Council President had put in much time and effort <br />regarding his ordinance; however, he asked that further study be given the matter. He then made a <br />'motion that the ordinance go to the Committee of the Whole for further study, seconded by Councilm< <br />'Serge. Councilman Miller indicated that, again, the Council was in the process of bringing a matt( <br />to the public and then delaying the issue. He felt the procedureshould be to discuss the amendment <br />one at a time and give the public a chance to express themselves on the amendments. Then, the <br />ordinance could be sent to committee for final drafting. He wondered if there was an attempt to <br />kill the measure or if the councilmen had not done their work on the ordinance up to this time. <br />Councilman Parent sympathized with Councilman Miller's comments; however, he stated that the <br />ordinance was very complex and he felt very close to voting in favor of the ordinance with the <br />amendments made by Council President Nemeth. He, too, felt more time should be given to the <br />ordinance and the amendments. Councilman Taylor stated that, if there were people present at the <br />meeting who wished to make comments, he would not want to stop them from discussing the issue. He <br />felt that, if there were no comments made, his motion should stand. Council President Nemeth <br />indicated that the ordinance had been filed on July 2. A public hearing was held on August 12, anc <br />now the ordinance was again in public hearing. He felt there had been much time spent on delibera- <br />tions of the ordinance. He felt that the Council had been discussing the matter for some time in <br />caucus, and that the amendments should be considered one -by -one and then voted upon. There was <br />discussion on whether or not the public hearing should be continued or if a vote should be taken <br />on the motion to refer the ordinance to committee. Chairman Newburn indicated that he felt the <br />citizens should be given an opportunity to speak. Mr. Irvin Sikorski, 145 Woodhill Lane, felt that <br />monetary values were not being argued. He felt time was of the essence, and that other walks of <br />life should run the city and not just attorneys and lawyers. Mrs. Nancy Kommers, 314 East Pokagon <br />President of the League of Women Voters, stated that, with the original ordinance, the league had <br />questioned the provisions of disclosure before election. She indicated that this had been rectifi <br />in the amendment. The original ordinance had too restrictive a ceiling on contributions, in the <br />league's opinion, and this had also been changed in the amendments. She indicated that the <br />expenditures in the amended ordinance also seemed to be more in line with what the league had <br />proposed. She also stated that now, there were enforcement procedures in the ordinance. She <br />indicated that the league felt the ordinance was far superior with the amendments proposed by <br />Council President Nemeth. She concluded by stating that she was not; however, urging any haste, <br />but she reminded the Council that the matter had been under consideration for over two and one-hall <br />months. Mrs. Joan McClure, 1029 Eberling Drive, Chairman of the American Association of Universit <br />Women, read a statement supporting campaign reform and Council President Nemeth's efforts in this <br />regard. She stated that the revised ordinance as amended met all the requirements that the assort <br />tion felt necessary. <br />Councilman Taylor again restated his motion to refer the ordinance to the Committee of the Whole, <br />and Councilman Serge again seconded the motion. Councilman Parent indicated that he hoped there <br />could be some kind of a deadline included in the motion in order that the ordinance could be acted <br />upon no later than the first regular meeting in November. He made a motion to include that in <br />Councilman Taylor's motion, seconded by Councilman Serge. Councilman Miller requested a roll call <br />vote on the motion. The motion carried by a vote of five ayes (Councilmen Serge, Parent, Taylor, <br />Horvath and Newburn) and four nays (Councilmen Szymkowiak, Miller, Kopczynski and Nemeth). <br />ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE APPROPRIATING -THE SUM OF <br />$25,000.00 FROM GENERAL REVENUE OF THE <br />WATER WORKS OF SOUTH BEND TO THE OPERATION <br />AND MAINTENANCE FUND. <br />This being the time heretofore set for public hearing on the above ordinance, proponents and <br />opponents were given an opportunity to be heard. Mr. Paul Krueper, Manager of the Water Works, <br />explained that the appropriation would be used for the repair of stop boxes that are established <br />for the turn -off of water service lines to individual customers, and to maintain a program of <br />continued operable stop boxes. <br />