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South Bend Redevelopment Commission <br />Regular Meeting — Thursday, June 13, 2013 <br />6. NEW BUSINESS <br />A. South Bend Central Development Area <br />(2) continued... <br />Upon a motion by Ms. Schey, seconded by Mr. Inks and unanimously carried, the <br />Commission acknowledged the Agreement for Early Termination of Lease with Gates <br />Automotive Corp. for property located at 410 W. Wayne. <br />(3) Proposal for professional services for property located at 410 W. Wayne (Gates <br />Services Center Replat). <br />Mr. Relos noted staff solicited a proposal from Danch, Hamer & Associates to provide a <br />Two -Lot Subdivision Replat for the Gates Service Center. The current configuration of the <br />lot the service center is on does not encompass the entire building and includes no additional <br />land for parking. As we move forward with the disposition process to sell or lease this <br />building, we will need a marketable lot. This replat will provide that. The cost to prepare, <br />file, record, and complete the subdivision process is $3,575. Staff requests approval. <br />Upon a motion by Ms. Schey, seconded by Mr. Downes and unanimously carried, the <br />Commission approved the Proposal for professional services for property located at 410 W. <br />Wayne for the scope of services and fee proposed. <br />(4) Staff update of the Hill and Colfax project. <br />Mr. Kain noted that the Hill and Colfax site is a prime development site in the East Bank <br />Village. The Redevelopment Commission purchased the site in 2003, and in 2008 staff <br />engaged with a firm to develop a master plan for the East Bank Village. The Master Plan <br />envisions the entire East Bank Village to be a neighborhood that is eclectic in nature as a <br />mix of different uses ranging from retail commercial to high -tech small business. At the end <br />of March staff issued a call for offers for the site, inviting proposals to develop the site as a <br />mixed use project. Since then staff has received three strong proposals, reviewed them and <br />selected one. Based on the criteria we've established for the site, the project had to be a <br />mixed use project, the development had to have a positive impact on the surrounding <br />neighborhood, existing businesses, school, and everything else that is happening in the <br />neighborhood, and finally, it had to be compatible with the East Bank Village master plan. <br />The development team that staff has chosen is Colfax Hill Partners, LLC, a family <br />partnership, woman owned business. The partnership consists of, Audra Sieradzki, Kim <br />Sieradzki, and David Sieradzki. <br />Audra Sieradzki, whose background is in Commercial Real Estate, worked with a larger <br />national firm out of Chicago, II., doing tenant advisory work; her responsibilities there <br />included portfolio and strategy development, and implementation of those strategies, for <br />international clients as large as Wrigley to small, private investors and everything in <br />between. She and her husband returned to South Bend and have been here four years. Her <br />