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South Bend Redevelopment Commission <br />Regular Meeting — Thursday, June 13, 2013 <br />5. OLD BUSINESS (Cont.) <br />A. Other <br />(1) Update of letter from Mr. Joseph Tillman regarding the sale or grant of real property <br />(Triangle Neighborhood properties). <br />Mr. Meteiver noted that the research on this issue was taking more time than anticipated. <br />The conveyance of the Triangle Neighborhood properties was actually by a grant agreement <br />rather than a development agreement. That will make a difference of how legal looks at the <br />transaction. It was an agreement between the City of South Bend's Board of Works, not the <br />Redevelopment Commission, and the Northeast Neighborhood Revitalization Organization <br />(NNRO). The agreement was originally written in July of 2004. Most of the records are in <br />archives and it is taking some time to get them back. The NNRO was created in 2003 when <br />the Northeast Neighborhood Development Area was created. As part of this grant <br />agreement, the city provided $500,000 to the NNRO for property acquisition in the Eddy St. <br />Commons Triangle Neighborhood. The specific projects under this agreement were for real <br />property acquisition, relocation expenses, site clearance, maintenance and insurance of <br />properties, and any recording fees and expenses associated with those particular items. The <br />agreement called for titling all of the properties that were acquired there in the name of the <br />Northeast Neighborhood Revitalization Organization. That agreement was signed off by the <br />Board of Works on March 14, 2005. It was amended by the I't Amendment to that <br />agreement which was executed by the Board of Works on June 27, 2005. The amendment <br />added another $500,000 to the acquisition funds for the NNRO. So $1 million dollars in <br />acquisition funds were provided by the city through the Board of Public Works for the <br />NNRO to acquire those various properties. Mr. Meteiver has not yet seen the minutes from <br />the Board of Works meetings where the documents were adopted. That may shed some <br />additional light on the total transaction. He also was not the lawyer that developed this <br />agreement; it was before his time with the city. Mr. Dick Nussbaum was the lawyer that <br />worked on this agreement; he is getting records out of his archives so that legal can learn <br />more about the transaction. <br />Ms. Schey asked whether the inquiry that Mr. Tillman submitted has anything to do with <br />providing opportunities for Section 3. Mr. Meteiver responded that it does, and that the <br />statute he cited is specific to the Redevelopment Commission and disposition of properties <br />titled in the Redevelopment Commission's name to community development corporations; <br />at this point Mr. Meteiver does not have enough information to determine whether that <br />particular statute applies to this transaction or not. <br />Ms. Schey asked that after the meeting Mr. Meteiver make himself available to speak to Mr. <br />Tillman. Mr. Meteiver responded that he extended the offer to meet with Mr. Tillman <br />following the previous meeting. Mr. Tillman didn't avail himself of that offer. He would <br />welcome Mr. Tillman's questions after this meeting. <br />Mr. Vamer asked whether either one of those agreements identifies the source of the funds. <br />Mr. Meteiver responded that they do not. <br />