<br />,5-�a 3
<br />Part of the North Half of Section 28, Township 38 North, Range 2 East, Second
<br />Principal Meridian, City of South Bend, St. Joseph County, Indiana, more particularly
<br />described as follows: Commencing at the East Quarter corner of said Section 28;
<br />thence south 89058145" West along the South line of the Northeast Quarter of
<br />said Section'28, 2314.41 feet; thence North 0000147" East 120.00 feet to the
<br />North boundary of Boland Drive, also being the point of beginning; thence North
<br />89000147" East 120.00 to the north boundary of Boland Drive, also being the
<br />point of beginning; thence North 59058'56 "West along said North boundary 447.83
<br />feet; thence North 45000109" West 14.14 feet to the East boundary of Foundation
<br />Drive; thence North 0000147" East along said East boundary 747.96 feet; thence
<br />North 89044'14" East 458.26 feet; thence South 0001141" West 759.90 feet to the
<br />point of beginning, containing 7.979 acres more or less.
<br />Be designated as an Economic Revitalization Area under the provisions of Indiana Code
<br />6- 1.1- 12.1 -1, et seq; and
<br />WHEREAS, the Council held a public hearing for the purposes of hearing all remonstr
<br />and objections from interested persons; and
<br />WHEREAS, the Council has determined that the qualifications for an economic
<br />revitalization are have been met.
<br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Common Council of the City of South Bend,
<br />Indiana, as follows:
<br />SECTION I. That the Common Council hereby confirms its Declaratory Resolution
<br />designating the area described herein as an Economic Revitalization Area for purposes
<br />of tax abatement. Such designation is for personal property tax abatement only and
<br />is limited to five (5) calendar years from the date of adoption of the Declaratory
<br />resolution by the Common Council.
<br />SECTION I. This Resolution shall be in full force and effect from and after its
<br />adoption by the Common Council and approval by the Mayor.
<br />/s/ Beverlie J. Beck
<br />Member of the Common Council
<br />A public hearing was held on the resolution at this time. Council Member Taylor
<br />indicated this was a reaffirmation of a declaratory resolution passed by the Council
<br />at the last meeting. Council Member Serge made a motion to adopt this resolution,
<br />seconded by Council Member McGann. The resolution was adopted by a roll call vote of
<br />eight ayes.
<br />WHEREAS, the City of South Bend Redevelopment Commission ( "Commission "), pursuant
<br />to the Redevelopment of Cities and Towns Act of 1953, as amended (36 -7 -14) (the "Act "),
<br />has conducted surveys and investigations and has thoroughly studied the area in the
<br />City of South Bend, County of St. Joseph, State of Indiana, and designated the area
<br />as the "Monroe Sample Development Area" (the "Area "), which Area is more particularly
<br />described as follows:
<br />A parcel of land being a part of the City of South Bend, Portage Township, St.
<br />Joseph County, Indiana and being more particularly described as follows, viz:
<br />Beginning at the intersection of the centerlines of Michigan Street and Monroe
<br />Street in said City; thence East, along said Monroe Street centerline, to the
<br />centerline of Lincolnway East; thence Southeasterly along said centerline to its
<br />intersection with the centerline of State road 23; thence Southwesterly and
<br />Westerly along said centerline (being, in part, also known as the centerline of
<br />Sample Street) to its intersection with the centerline of Michigan Street;
<br />thence North along said centerline to the place of beinning.
<br />WHEREAS, the Commission has made detailed studies of the location, physical
<br />condition of structures, land use, environmental influences, and the economic conditions
<br />of the Area and has determined that the Area is a blighted area and that it constitutes
<br />a menace to the social and economic interests of the City of South Bend and its inhabitant:
<br />and it would be of public utility and benefit to acquire real estate in such Area and
<br />redevelop the Area under the provisions of the Act; and
<br />WHEREAS, the Commission approved a Development Plan adopted by Declaratory Resolution
<br />No. 633, adopted on February 2, 1981 and amended by Resolution No. 636 adopted on
<br />April 16, 1981 and Resolution No. 648 adopted on November 24, 1981, entitled "Monroe -
<br />Sample Development Area, Development Plan, South Bend, Indiana ", consisting of 21
<br />pages (the "Development Plan "), which has been submitted to the Common Council for
<br />review and approval; and
<br />WHEREAS, the Commission has adopted its Declaratory Resolution No. 682 on June
<br />27, 1983, declaring the area to be blighted and further amending the Development Plan
<br />by adding a parcel to the acquisition list and,making certain changes in the Design
<br />Review Committee; and
<br />