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3199 <br />REGULAR MEETING NOVEMBER 22,.1982 <br />A portion of the southeast quarter (1 /4) of the southwest quarter (1/4) of <br />Section 11, Township 37 North, Range 2 East, and a part of the State Bank Outlot <br />104 of State Bank 2nd Plat Outlots of the Town, now the City of South Bend, <br />Portage Township, St. Joseph County, Indiana; more particularly described as <br />follows: <br />Commencing at the point of intersection of the north right -of -way line of Sample <br />Street with the east right -of -way line of Arnold Street; thence northerly along <br />and with the east right -of -way line of Arnold Street; thence northerly along <br />and with the east right -of -way line of Arnold Street a distance of 472.37 feet; <br />thence easterly along a line with a deflection angle of 90 degrees 07 minutes <br />30 seconds Right a distance of 201.44 feet to the point of beginning; thence <br />northerly along a line with a deflection angle of 90 degrees 07 minutes Left; a <br />distance of 387.02 feet; thence easterly along a line with a deflection angle <br />of 90 degrees, 13 minus Right, a distance of 17.92 feet; thence southerly to a <br />point of beginning; thence westerly a distance of 17.92 to the point of beginning. <br />is an Urban Development Area; and <br />WHEREAS, the Area Plan Commission has submitted to the Council its written <br />order approving for the Declaratory Resolution to the Council; and <br />WHEREAS, notice of the adoption of a Declaratory Resolution and public hearing <br />for the purposes of hearing persons in favor of the proposed project and those remostrator: <br />who were opposed to the proposed project; and <br />WHEREAS, the Council has determined the public utility and benefit of the project. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Common Council of the City of South Bend, <br />Indiana, as follows: <br />SECTION I. That the Common Council hereby confirms its Declaratory Resolution <br />designating the area described herein as an Urban Development Area for purposes of <br />tax abatement consideration and confirm its determination of the project's public <br />utility and benefit. <br />SECTION II. This resolution shall be in full force and effect from and after <br />its adoption by the Common Council and approval by the Mayor. <br />RESOLUTION NO. 1012 -82 <br />/s/ Raymond C. Zielinski <br />Member of the Common Council <br />A RESOLUTION CONFIRMING THE ADOPTION OF A DECLARATORY RESOL- <br />UTION DESIGNATING 1117 WEST SAMPLE AN URBAN DEVELOPMENT <br />AREA FOR TANGIBLE PERSONAL PROPERTY TAX ABATEMENT PURPOSES <br />AND A DETERMINATION OF THE PUBLIC UTILITY AND BENEFIT OF <br />THE PROPOSED PROJECT. <br />WHEREAS, the Common Council of the City of South Bend, Indiana, has adopted a <br />Declaratory Resolution designating certain areas within the City as Urban Development <br />Areas for purposes of tax abatement consideration; and <br />WHEREAS, a Declaratory Resolution designating the area commonly known as 1117 <br />West Sample, South Bend, Indiana, and more particularly described by a line drawn as <br />follows: <br />That part of Bank Outlot 104 of the Second Plat of Outlots of the Town, now <br />City, ofSouth Bend, platted by the State Bank of Indiana bounded by the following <br />described lines: <br />Beginning at a point at the intersection of the East line of Arnold Street and <br />-- the North line of Sample Street; thence North along the East line of Arnold <br />Street a Distance of 472.37 feet; thence along a line having a deflection angle <br />of 90 degrees 7 minutes 30 seconds to the Right and a distance of 201.44 feet; <br />thence along a line having a deflection angle of 90 degrees 07 minutes to the <br />Left and a distance of 387.02 feet; thence along a line having a deflection <br />angle of 90 degrees 13 minutes to the Right and a distance of 92.16 feet; thence <br />South along a line having a deflection angle of 89 degrees 49 minutes to the <br />Right and a distance of 859.45 feet to the North lineof Sample Street; thence <br />West along the North line of Sample Street a distance of 292.84 feet to the <br />point of beginning; <br />together with a non - execlusive easement for purposes of ingress and egress to and <br />from the foregoing described real estate over the following described real estate in <br />said County and State: <br />A portion of the southeast quarter (1/4) of the southwest quarter (1/4) of <br />Section 11, Township 37 North, Range 2 East, and a part of State Bank Outlot <br />104 of State Bank 2nd Plat Outlets of the Town, now the City of South Bend, <br />Portage Township, more particularly described as follows: <br />Commencing at the point of intersection of the north right -of -way line of Sample <br />Street with the east right -of -way line of Arnold Street; thence northerly along <br />