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REGULAR MEETING MARCH 22, 1982 <br />WHEREAS, Best Products Co., Inc. (the "Applicant ") has advised the South Bend <br />Economic Development Commission (the "Commission ") and the Issuer that it proposes <br />that the Issuer either acquire, construct and equip an economic development facility <br />and sell or lease the same to the Applicant or loan proceeds of an economic develop- <br />ment financing to the Applicant for the same, said economic development faility to be <br />a 40,000 to 67,000 square foot catalog distribution center facility, including the <br />real estate on which it is located and the machinery and equipment to be installed <br />therein, to be located in or near South Bend, Indiana, on a site to be mutally agreed <br />upon by the Issuer and the Applicant, though the exact located of the facilities has <br />not yet been determined ( "Project "); and <br />WHEREAS, the diversification of industry and increase in job opportunities (90 <br />full -time and 170 part -time new jobs) to be achieved by the construction and equip- <br />ping of the Project will be of public benefit to the health, safety and general wel- <br />fare of the Issuer and its citizens; and <br />WHEREAS, having received the advice of the South Bend Economic Development Com- <br />mission, it would appear that the financing of the Project would be of public benefit <br />to the health, safety and general welfare of the Issuer and its citizens; and <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Common Council of the City of SuthBend as <br />follows: <br />1. The Common Council of the City of South Bend finds, determines, ratifies and <br />confirms that the promotion of diversification of economic development and job <br />opportunities in and near South Bend, Indiana, is desirable to preserve the <br />health, safety and general welfare of the citizens of the Issuer; and that it is <br />in the public interest that the Commission and the Issuer take such action as <br />they lawfully may to encourage economic development, diversification of industry <br />and promotion of job opportunities in and near the Issuer. <br />2. The Common Council of the City of South Bend approves, determines, ratifies <br />and confirms that the issuance and sale of economic development revenue bonds in <br />an amount of approximately $6,000,000 of the Issuer under the Act for the ac- <br />quisition, construction and equipping of the Project and the sale or leasing of <br />the Project to the Applicant or the loan of the proceeds of the revenue bonds to <br />the Applicant, will serve the public purposes referred to above, in accordance <br />with the Act. <br />3. In order to induce the Applicant to proceed with the acquisition, construc- <br />tion and equipping of the Project, the Common Council of the City of South Bend <br />hereby approves, determines, ratifies and confirms that (i) it will take or <br />cause to be taken such actions pursuant to the Act as may be required to imple- <br />ment the aforesaid financing, or as it may deem appropriate in pursuance thereof; <br />provided tht all of the foregoing shall be mutually acceptable to the Issuer and <br />the Applicant; and (ii) it will adopt such ordinances and resolutions and authorize <br />the execution and delivery of such instruments and the taking of such action as <br />may be necessary and advisable for the authorization, issuance and sale of said <br />economic development revenue bonds; and (iii) it will use its best efforts at <br />the request of Appliant to authorize the issuance of additional bonds for refunding <br />and refinancing the outstanding principal amount of the bonds, for completion of <br />the Project and for additions to the Project, including the costs of issuance <br />(providing that the financing of such addition or additions to the Project is <br />found to have a public purpose (as defined in IN.C. 36- 7 -12 -1) at the time of <br />authorization of such additional bonds), and that the aforementioned purposes <br />comply with the provisions of I.C. 36 -7 -12. <br />4. All costs of the Project incurred after the adoption of this inducement <br />resolution, including reimbursement or repayment to the Applicant of moneys <br />expended by the Applicant for planning, engineering, interest paid during con- <br />struction, underwriting expenses, attorney and bond counsel fees, acquisition, <br />construction and equipping of the Project will be permitted to be included as <br />part of the bond issue to finance the Project, and the Issuer will sell or lease <br />the same to the Applicant or loan the proceeds from the sale of the bonds to the <br />Applicant for the same purposes. Also, certain indirect expenses, including but <br />not limited to, planning, architectural work and engineering incurred prior to <br />this inducement resoluton will be permitted to be included as part of the bond <br />issue to finance the Project. <br />5. The liability and obligation of the South Bend Economic Development Commis- <br />sion, the South Bend Common Council and the City of South Bend, Indiana, shall <br />be limited solely to the good faith efforts to consummate such proceedings and <br />issue such Bonds, and the South Bend Economic Development Commission and the <br />City of South Bend, Indiana, their officers or agents, shall not incur any liab- <br />ility if for any reason the proposed issuance of such bonds is not consummated. <br />6. This Resolution is conditioned upon the Applicant locating the proposed cat- <br />alog distribution center facility within the Central downtown Urban Renewal Area <br />of the City of South Bend, Indiana, commonly referred to as Indiana R -66, and <br />more particuarly described as Exhibit A attached hereto and made a part hereof. <br />7. This Resolution is further subject to the terms and provisions of a Memo- <br />randum of Agreement to be signed by the City of South Bend and Best Products <br />Co., Inc., which upon signing shall be attached hereto and made a part hereof. <br />This Inducement Resolution shall be in full force and effect from and after its <br />adoption by the Common Council and approval by the Mayor. <br />/s/ Lewis A. McGann <br />Member of the Common Council <br />