<br />BILL NO. 39 -81
<br />DAR YEAR 1982, 1983, AND 1984.
<br />This being the time heretofore set for public hearing on the above bill, proponents
<br />and opponents were given- an,:opportunity to -be- 'heard:. Council Members McGann and
<br />Taylor made--'-the presentation -:for the =bill. 'Council - Member Dombrowski made a motion
<br />that the Council accept a substitute bill filed with the City Clerk, seconded by
<br />Council Member Beck. The motion carried. Council President McGann indicated this
<br />was a three year agreement, subject to renegotiation if the Indiana Property Tax
<br />Control Program is totally abolished, or the Common Council adopts a Local Option
<br />Income Tax Program. He indicated that fringe benefits would be frozen at the 1981
<br />level. Dan Mirocha, Chairman of the Firefighters Wage Committee, indicated that
<br />members of their local had overwhelmingly ratified this agreement. He asked the
<br />Council to do the same. Council Member Szymkowiak made a motion to recommend this
<br />bill to the Council favorable, seconded by Council Member Dombrowski. Council Mem-
<br />bers Taylor, Beck and Serge spoke against this bill. Council Members Dombrowski
<br />spoke in favor of the bill. The bill passed by a roll call vote of five ayes and
<br />four nays (Council Members Serge, Beck, Taylor and Kopczynski.
<br />ENDAR YEAR OF 1982, 1983, AND 1984.
<br />This being the time heretofore set for public hearing on the above bill, proponents
<br />and opponents were given an opportunity to be heard. Council Members McGann and
<br />Taylor made the presentation for the bill. Council Member Dombrowski made a motion
<br />that the Council accept the substitute bill filed with the City Clerk, seconded by
<br />Council Member Beck. The motion carried. Council Member McGann indicated this was a
<br />three year agreement, subject to renegotiation if the Indiana Property Tax Control
<br />Program is totally abolished, or a local option tax adopted. He indicated that bene-
<br />fits will be frozen at the 1981 level. Council Member Szymkowiak made a motion to
<br />recommencl,this'bill to the Council favorable as:amended,.s_econded by Council Member
<br />Dombrowski. The bill passed by`a roll call- vote:of five aye_s.and four nays (Council
<br />Members Serge, Beck, Taylor and Kopczynski.)
<br />BILL NO. 41 -81
<br />THE YEARS 1982, 1983, AND 1984.
<br />This being the time heretofore set for public hearing on the above bill, proponents
<br />and opponents were given an opportunity to be heard. Joseph Kernan, City Controller,
<br />made the presentation for the bill. He indicated this bill establishes the salaries
<br />for all City employees, both union and non - union. He indicated that the Administra-
<br />tion felt that when the first salary agreement was reached, which was the Firefigh-
<br />ters, that would serve as a guideline to set salaries for all other employees. He
<br />indicated this was the basic principle of collective bargaining. He indicated that
<br />based on that principle, the Administration has submitted this bill with increases of
<br />10.3% in 1982; 8.6% in 1983; and 8.1% in 1984. He indicated it was the Administra-
<br />tion's responsibility to negotiate with the Teamsters, and an agreement was reached
<br />with them after good -faith negotiations on the part of the Administration and the
<br />Teamsters. He indicated that the Council was recommending that City employees, other
<br />than police and fire, receive 4.56% plus $400. He indicated this would seriously
<br />undermine the Administration's ability to deal with the Teamsters, and the long -term
<br />effect would destroy the City's creditability in any collective bargaining process.
<br />He indicated that the Administration was willing to withdraw their request for the
<br />Community Development salary increase, which would mean those employees would go
<br />eighteen months without a salary increase. Council Member Crone gave the Personnel
<br />and Finance Committee report which recommended a substitute bill giving a salary
<br />increase for one year of 4.56% plus $400. she made a motion that the Council accept
<br />the substitute bill filed with the City Clerk, seconded by Council Member Szymkowiak.
<br />The motion carried on a roll call vote of five ayes and four nays (Council Members
<br />Serge, Beck, Taylor and Kopczynski.) Ernest Streich, 3630 S. St. Joseph, an employee
<br />of the Water Works, spoke against this bill. Clifford MacMillan, labor consultant,
<br />spoke against this bill. Council Member Crone highlighted the amended version of the
<br />bill. She indicated it gives a 4.56% increase plus $400.00, which is a 7.5% in-
<br />crease. She indicated that thirteen positions were eliminated. Irene Mutzl, 320
<br />Parkovash, spoke in favor of this bill. Fred Mutzl, 320 Parkovash, spoke in favor of
<br />this bill. Pat Miller, 2213 Lincoln Way West, spoke in favor of this bill. Denise
<br />Fleming, secretary for the City of South Bend, indicated that clerical employees were
<br />not being adequately compensated. Mel Osler, chief stewart, Street Department, in-
<br />dicated the Council did not know what negotiating in good -faith means. Betsy Har-
<br />riman, city employee, spoke against this bill. Marvin Hamlin, chief stewart, Bureau
<br />of Sanitation, spoke against this bill. John Schaffer, 518 S. 31st, spoke against
<br />this bill. Richard Johnson, 2301 Bergan, spoke against this bill. Thyra Overton,
<br />city employee, spoke against this bill. Dan Powell, 4628 York Rd., spoke against
<br />this bill. Bob Warnock, representative of the Teamster's Local 364, indicated the
<br />Council negotiated a 10.3% increase for employees who did not even need to be cit-
<br />izens of South Bend. Robert Waters, stewart, Water Works, spoke against this bill.
<br />Dominic DeCosta, 754 Cottage Grove, spoke against this bill. Issac Hamilton, 749 N.
<br />St. Louis, spoke against this bill. Patrick McMahon, 1446 Longfellow, spoke against
<br />this bill. Gus Saros, 1720 Belmont, spoke against this bill. Jim Seitz, Superin-
<br />tendent of Parks, spoke against this bill. Mary Ann Wojtas, 1352 Fisher, spoke against
<br />this bill. Council Member Taylor indicated he felt the Council must honor the agreement
<br />made by the City with the Teamsters. Council Member Beck spoke against this bill.
<br />Council Member Szymkowiak spoke in favor of this bill. Council Member McGann spoke
<br />in favor of this bill. Council Member Dombrowski spoke in favor of this bill. Council
<br />Member Crone spoke in favor of this bill. Council Member Voorde spoke in favor of
<br />this bill. Council Member Dombrowski made a motion to recommend this bill to the
<br />Council favorable, seconded by Council Member McGann. The motion carried on a roll
<br />call vote of five ayes and four nays (Council Members Serge, Beck, Taylor and Kopczynski.)
<br />