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ORDINANCE NO. <br />AN ORDINANCE APPROPRIATING $8,000.00 FROM THE <br />COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT FUND, FOR A <br />HISTORIC PRESERVATION SURVEY, TO BE ADMINISTERED <br />BY THE CITY OF SOUTH BEND THROUGH ITS DIVISION <br />OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT AND THE HISTORIC <br />PRESERVATION COMMISSION OF SOUTH BEND AND SAINT <br />JOSEPH COUNTY. <br />STATEMENT OF PURPOSE AND INTENT: <br />The City of South Bend, acting through its Division of Community <br />Development, has received the approval of the United States Department <br />of Housing and Urban Development to execute certain housing and community <br />development activities. In undertaking these activities the City of South <br />Bend has assumed the responsibility of complying with federal regulations, <br />executive orders, and statutes which protect properties of special value <br />for historic, architectural, and aesthetic reasons. In addition, the City <br />of South Bend has assumed the responsibility of evaluating each activity <br />or project funded with federal funds, in whole or part, in terms of the <br />impact on historically or architecturally significant or potentially sign- <br />ificant structures, districts, facilities, or sites. Therefore, the <br />Division of Community Development is requesting additional funds to complete <br />a city -wide survey administered by the Historic Preservation Commission <br />which will identify, describe, and evaluate architecturally or historically <br />significant buildings, facilities, or areas. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Common Council of South <br />Bend, Indiana as follows: <br />SECTION I. The sum of $8,000.00 is hereby appropriated for the <br />program year starting July 7, 1977 from the City of South Bend, Community <br />Development Block Grant Fund (Program Year 1977). The appropriation shall <br />be used as approved by the United States Department of Housing and Urban <br />Development, under Title Twenty -Four (24), of the Code of Federal Regulations, <br />Part Five Hundred and Seventy (570) for the Community Development Program <br />Year 1977. This appropriation shall be administered by the Division of <br />Community Development and Historic Preservation Commission as set forth <br />below: <br />PROGRAM - CD -77 -901 <br />COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM <br />PURPOSE AMOUNT <br />Historic Preservation Survey $8,000.00 <br />TOTAL APPROPRIATION: $8,000.00 <br />SECTION II. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect <br />from and after its passage by the Common Council and approval by the Mayor. <br />1st READING -4 6 — 4 • i g <br />PUBBLIC HEARING AO r a3- > <br />2nd READING /p <br />NOT APPROVED <br />REFERRED <br />PASSED /6 -Q3- <br />F1 I signed my to provide an <br />FILED I <br />opportunity for public discussion <br />and Council action on the issue. <br />OCT <br />' OFFICE <br />41978 <br />Irene Gammon <br />C0 CLERK SOUTH BEND, IND. <br />