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representatives offered support as long as employees' wages and benefits were not negatively <br />impacted. <br />Given the chance for anyone to voice opposition, only one person expressed reservation claiming the <br />current scheme works well as it is. During the following council portion, Henry called upon the five <br />attending Councilmembers a chance to comment. <br />Derek Dieter expressed concern for the future of the current employees stating he could not support <br />any change which would compromise the future of the current employees stating he could not support <br />any change which would compromise employees earned expectations. <br />David Varner offered qualified support, also hinged on employee's treatment. Tim Scott reserved <br />judgment until he could analyze the thoroughness of the Zoo Society's due diligence and the Zoo's <br />financials as well. <br />Valerie Schey's comments focused on concerns for the animals, their care and well- being. <br />Henry wrapped things up by thanking the Zoological Society for their work and also expressing support <br />for the workers. <br />Given the chance for a brief summary George Horn said now was the best time to act. He said he hoped <br />for a resolution of support from the Council and a commitment from the Mayor to move ahead. <br />There being no further business to come before the committee at this time, PARC Chairperson, Henry <br />Davis, adjourned the meeting at 6:37 p.m. <br />Respectf y Submitted, <br />e avis, Jr., Chairperson <br />PARC Committee <br />