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REGULAR MEETING <br />ORDINANCE NO. 7474 -85 <br />JUNE 10, 1985 <br />AN ORDINANCE APPROPRIATING $125,000.00 FROM THE GENERAL <br />FUND OF THE CITY OF SOUTH BEND, INDIANA TO PROVIDE <br />TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE IN CONNECTION WITH CERTAIN <br />ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITIES IN THE INNER CORE AND <br />OTHER AREAS OF THE CITY OF SOUTH BEND, INDIANA. <br />This bill had second reading. Council Member Serge made a motion to pass this bill, <br />seconded by Council Member Puzzello. The bill passed by a roll call vote of nine <br />ayes. <br />RESOLUTIONS <br />RESOLUTION NO. 1296 -85 <br />AN INDUCEMENT RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SOUTH BEND, <br />INDIANA RELATING TO AN APPLICATION BY STEEL WAREHOUSE <br />CO., INC., AN INDIANA CORPORATION, FOR THE ISSUANCE OF <br />CITY OF SOUTH BEND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT REVENUE BONDS. <br />The City of South Bend, Indiana (the "Issuer ") is authorized by IC 36 -7 -12 (the <br />"Act ") to issue revenue bonds for the financing of economic development facilities, <br />the funds from said financing to be used for the acquisition, construction and <br />equipping of said facilities, and said facilities to be either sold or leased by a <br />company or directly owned by a company; and <br />Steel Warehouse Co., Inc., an Indiana Corporation, (the "applicant ") has advised <br />the South Bend Economic Development Commission (the "Commission ") and the Issuer <br />that it proposes that the Issuer either acquire, construct and equip an economic <br />development facility and sell or lease the same to the Applicant or loan proceeds of <br />an economic development financing to the Applicant for the same, said economic <br />development facility to consist of the construction of an addition to an existing <br />building, the purchase of new machinery and equipment, and "make ready" other <br />portions of existing buildings to accommodate said machinery and equipment, so that <br />the Applicant may expand its business in cutting and treating flat rolled low - carbon <br />steel, slitting, levelling, shearing, pickling and storing such steel, said existing <br />facility being located at 2722 W. Tucker Drive, South Bend, Indiana, on an <br />approximate 22 acre tract of land (the "Project "); and, <br />The diversification of industry and increase in job opportunities (3 jobs saved <br />and 6 to 10 new jobs) to be achieved by the construction and equipping of the <br />Project will be of public benefit to the health, safety and general welfare of the <br />Issuer and its citizens; and, <br />Having received the advise of the South Bend Economic Development Commission, it <br />would appear that the financing of the Project would be of public benefit to the <br />health, safety and general welfare of the Issuer and its citizens; and, <br />It is preliminarily found that the construction of the addition to an existing <br />building will not have an adverse competitive effect on any similar facility already <br />constructed or operating in South Bend, Indiana. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Common Council of the City of South Bend, <br />as follows: <br />1. The Common Council of the City of South Bend finds, determines, ratifies and <br />confirms that the promotion of diversification of economic development and job <br />opportunities in and near South Bend, Indiana, is desirable to preserve the <br />health, safety and general welfare of the citizens of the Issuer, and that it is <br />in the public interst that the Commission and the Issuer take such action as <br />they lawfully may to encourage economic development, diversification of industry <br />and promotion of job opportunities in and near the Issuer. <br />2. The Common Council of the City of South Bend approves, determines, ratifies <br />and confirms that the issuance and sale of economic development revenue bonds in <br />an amount of approximately $1,350,000 of the Issuer under the Act for the <br />acquisition, construction and equipping of the Project and the sale or leasing <br />of the project to the Applicant or the loan of the proceeds of the revenue bonds <br />to the Applicant will serve the public purposes referred to above, in accordance <br />with the Act. <br />3. In order to induce the Applicant to proceed with the construction and <br />equipping of the Project, the Common Council of the City of South Bend hereby <br />approves, determines, ratifies and confirms that (i) it will take or cause to be <br />taken such actions pursuant to the Act as may be required to implement the <br />aforesaid financing, or as it may deem appropriate in pursuance thereof; <br />provided that all of the foregoing shall be mutually acceptable to the Issuer <br />and the Applicant; and (ii) it will adopt such ordinances and resolutions <br />and authorize the execution and delivery of such instruments and the taking <br />of such action as may be necessary and advisable for the authorization, <br />issuance and sale of said economic development revenue bonds; and (iii) it <br />will use its best efforts at the request of Applicant to authorize the <br />issuance of additional bonds and refunding and refinancing the outstanding <br />principal amount of the bonds for completion of the Project and for <br />additions to the Project, including the cost of issuance (providing that <br />the financing of such addition or additions to the Project is found to have <br />a public purpose (as defined in I.C. 36- 7 -12 -1) at the time or <br />