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REGULAR MEETING <br />JUNE 11, 1984 <br />This bill had second reading. Council Member Serge made a motion to pass this bill, <br />seconded by Council Member Puzzello. The motion carried on a roll call vote of nine <br />ayes. <br />RESOLUTIONS <br />RESOLUTION NO. 1153 -84 <br />AN INDUCEMENT RESOLUTION OF THE SOUTH BEND COMMON COUNCIL <br />RELATING TO THE ISSUANCE OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT REVENUE <br />BONDS TO J & G REALTY & INSURANCE CO. <br />WHEREAS, the South Bend Economic Development Commission investigated, studied, <br />surveyed and reported to the Mayor and the Common Council of the City of South Bend, <br />Indiana, that a need exists in the community for additional job opportunities and <br />commercial diversification within the City of South Bend, Indiana; and to improve <br />and promote job opportunities and commercial diversification within the City of <br />South Bend, Indiana, a financing agreement should be effected with J & G Realty & <br />Insurance Co.; and <br />WHEREAS, J & G Realty & Insurance Co., desires to construct a new building on <br />land located in the Sample - Monroe Development Area, South Bend, Indiana, which building <br />will be leased to Slutsky Peltz Plumbing & Heating Co., Inc.; and <br />WHEREAS, to induce J &G Realty & Insurance Co. to construct such economic development <br />facilities, the South Bend Economic Development Commission on June 1, 1984 approved <br />the application of J & G Realty & Insurance Co. for the issuance of up to Five Hundred <br />Fifty Thousand Dollars ($550,000) of Economic Development Revenue Bonds payable with <br />interest thereon at the market rate as of the date of final approval of the bonds <br />and also adopted an Inducement Resolution relating to that bond issue; and <br />WHEREAS, it is apparent that J & G Realty & Insurance Co., through its leasing <br />of the proposed facilities to Slutsky Peltz Plumbing & Heating Co., Inc., will preserve <br />jobs and increase job opportunities and commercial diversification in South Bend, <br />Indiana, resulting in a benefit to the welfare of the public in the City of South <br />Bend, Indiana, and St. Joseph County, Indiana. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that in order to encourage, induce and solicit <br />the application by J & G Realty & Insurance Co., for an amount not exceeding Five <br />Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars ($550,000) of Economic'Development Reveue Bonds to be <br />issued by the City of South Bend, Indiana, repayable with interest thereon at the <br />rate of ten percent (100) to be amortized over a period of twelve (12) years after <br />the issue date for the construction of such economic development facilities, the <br />City of South Bend shall proceed to cooperate with and take any action as may be <br />necessary in drafting of documents or the performance of such other acts as will <br />facilitate the issuance of such Economic Development Revenue Bonds by the City of <br />South Bend, Indiana, to provide funds to be used toward the payment of the costs for <br />the acquisition and construction of such economic development facilities; and <br />BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that any costs or expenses incurred in connection with <br />the J & G Realty & Insurance Co. Project shall be included in the project costs and <br />reimbursed from the proceeds of the Economic Development Revenue Bonds to be issued <br />with respect thereto; and <br />BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the liability and obligation of the South Bend <br />Economic Development Commission and the City of South Bend, Indiana, shall be limited <br />solely to the good faith efforts to consummate such proceedings and issue such Bonds, <br />and neither the South Bend Economic Development Commission nor the City of South. <br />Bend, Indiana, or its officers or agents, shall incur any liability if for any reason <br />the proposed issuance of such Bonds is not consummated. <br />This Inducement Resoluton shall be in full force and effect from and after its <br />adoption by the Common Council. <br />/s/ Eugenia Braboy <br />Member of the Common Council <br />A public hearing was held on the resolution at this time. Ken Fedder, attorney for <br />the Economic Development Commission, indicated that J & G Realty planned to construct <br />a building and relocate Slutskey Peltz Plumbing & Heating. He indicated 40 jobs <br />will be preserved and five new jobs will be created. Council Member Serge made a <br />motion to adopt this resolution, seconded by Council Member Braboy. The resolution <br />was adopted by a roll call vote of nine ayes. <br />RESOLUTION <br />A RESOLUTION CONFIRMING THE ADOPTION OF A DECLARATORY RESOLUTION <br />DESIGNATING CERTAIN AREAS WITHIN THE CITY OF SOUTH BEND, <br />COMMONLY KNOWN AS THE SOUTH -WEST CORNER OF ELWOOD AVENUE <br />AND PORTAGE AVENUE TO BE AN ECONOMIC REVITALIZATION AREA <br />FOR PURPOSES OF TAX ABATEMENT. <br />A public hearing was held on the resolution at this time. Richard Morgan, attorney <br />for the petitioner, indicated this tax abatement was for the expansion of the Martin's <br />shopping center. He indicated this will generate between fifty to fifty -five new <br />jobs, in addition to the one hundred and fifty jobs presently at this location. <br />Council Member Serge made a motion to adopt this resolution, seconded by Council <br />