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REGULAR MEETING MAY 14, 1984 <br />tangent line, a distance of 175.60 feet to a point of curve; thence along a <br />curve to the right, an arc distance of 170.42 feet, said curve having a radius <br />of 523.66 feet and being subtended by a chord of 169.67 feet which bears North. <br />860- 05' -27" East; thence South 840- 35' -10" East, a distance of 56.24 feet to <br />the West line of a tract conveyed to South Bend Tribune Corp. by Warranty Deed <br />recorded in Deed Record 823, p. 386 in said Recorder's Office; thence North 0 <br />43' -50" East, along said West line a distance of 7.30 feet; thence North 590- <br />05'-32" East along the northwesterly line of said tract, a distance of 325.48 <br />feet to the most westerly corner of a tract Quit - claimed to Indiana Bell Telephone <br />Co., Inc., in Deed Record 665 p. 463; thence North 28048' -14" East,_along the <br />northwesterly line of said Indiana Bell parcel, a distance of 228.26 feet; <br />thence North 610- 46' -50" West, a distance of 309.05 feet, to a point which <br />bears South 610- 46' -50" East, a distance of 28.00 feet from the most southerly <br />corner of said Penn Central Quit -claim parcel described in document numbered <br />8103153; thence North 280- 15' -41" East, parallel with a southeasterly line of <br />said parcel, a distance of 998.17 feet, to a point on a southerly line of said <br />Penn Central parcel; thence South 890- 58' -10" East, along said southerly line, <br />a distance of 212.73 feet; thence South-890-461-31" East, along a southerly <br />line of said parcel, a distance of 558.69 feet to said westerly line of Prairie <br />Avenue; thence North 280- 06' -58" East, along said westerly line to the point of <br />beginning, containing 18.21 acres, more or less.. <br />designated as an Economic Revitalization Area under the provisions.of Indiana <br />e 6 -1.1- 12.1 -2, et seq.; and <br />WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Commission has concluded an investigation and prepared <br />report with information sufficient for the Common Council to determine that the <br />ea qualifies as an Economic Revitalization Area under Indiana Code 6- 1.1- 12.1 -1, <br />seq., and has further prepared maps and plats showing the boundaries and such <br />her information as required by law of,the area in question; and <br />WHEREAS, the Human Resources and Economic Development Committee of the Common <br />uncil has reviewed said report and recommended to the Common Council that the area <br />alifies as an Economic Revitalization Area. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Common Council of the City of South Bend, <br />Indiana, as follows: <br />SECTION I. That the Common Council hereby accepts the report and recommendation <br />of the Human Resources and Economic Development Committee that the area herein <br />escribed be designated an Economic Revitalization Area and hereby adopts a resolution <br />esignating this area as an Economic Revitalization Area for purpoes of real property <br />ax abatement. <br />SECTION II. That this designation shall be limited to five (5) calendar years <br />rom the date of the adoption of this Resolution by the Common Council. <br />SECTION III. That the Common Council directs the City Clerk to cause notice of <br />the adoption of this resolution to be published, said publication providing notice <br />f the public hearing before lthe Common Council on said declaration. <br />SECTION IV. This resolution shall be in full force and effect from and after <br />'ts adoption by the Common Council and approval by the Mayor. <br />/s/ Beverlie J. Beck <br />Member of the Common Council <br />public hearing was held on the resolutions at this time. Jack Dunfee, attorney <br />or the petitioner, indicated this proposed project will consist of an estimated <br />1,300,000 in real property development and an additional $1,864,000 in new equipment. <br />e indicated the project will create 75 -200 new permanent jobs. He indicated the <br />roperty is not currently in any improvement areas of the City but the parcel met <br />he statuatory criteria due to its proximity to the Studebaker Corridor. Council <br />ember Voorde made a motion to adopt Resolution No. 1142 -84, seconded by Council <br />ember Zakrzewski. The resolution was adopted by a roll call vote of nine ayes. <br />ouncil Member Voorde made a motion to adopt_ Resolution No. 1143 -84, seconded by <br />ouncil Member Zakrzewski. The resoluton was adopted by a roll call vote of nine <br />yes. <br />ION NO. 1144 -84 <br />A RESOLUTION OF THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH <br />BEND DESIGNATING CERTAIN AREAS WITHIN THE CITY COMMONLY <br />KNOWN AS 316 -E. MONROE AN ECONOMIC REVITALIZATION AREA FOR <br />PURPOSES OF REAL PROPERTY TAX ABATEMENT. <br />WHEREAS, a petition for real property tax abatement consideration has been <br />iled with the Common Council of the City of South Bend, requesting that the area <br />ommonly known as 316 E. Monroe, South Bend, Indiana, and which is more particularly <br />escribed by a line drawn as follows: <br />A parcel of land being lots 4,5,6,8, 9, and 10, and a vacated 10 foot wide <br />alley lying adjacent to said Lot 8, in George R. Hudson's Subdivision of parts <br />of lots 19 and 20 in Denniston and Fellow's Addition, South Bend, Indiana, and <br />being more particularly described as follows, viz: <br />1 <br />1 <br />[1 <br />1 <br />