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PAGE 32 <br />BUREAU OF SEWERS <br />B - <br />1979 Budget Explanation Sheet <br />130 - Salaries Overtime: <br />Increase 34% <br />Additional Solid Waste Truck and possible snow removal. <br />An <br />inflationary increase <br />of 9% was added to the following line items for 1979: <br />213 - Travel <br />241 - Printing Other Supplies <br />243 -- Photography <br />263 - Uniforms <br />- <br />333 - Other Institutional & Medical <br />- <br />550 - Dues & Subscriptions <br />221 <br />222 <br />- Electricity: <br />- Gas: <br />Total Increase 4,600 <br />Due to addition of new garage stales and possible <br />33% increase <br />in electricity. <br />312 <br />- Fuel Oil Diesel: <br />Increase 6,000 <br />New Trucks are using Diesel Fuel <br />322 <br />- Oil: <br />Increase 2,500 <br />Under budgeted in 1978 <br />363 <br />- Office Supplies: <br />Increase 250 <br />Under budgeted in 1978 <br />426 - <br />Salt: <br />This item has been added to allow Bureau of Sewers <br />to purchase salt for the Street Department. <br />722 - <br />Motor Equipment: <br />See attached sheet <br />Replacement of Equipment <br />Without <br />the cost of salt, <br />the total budget increase would be 3% <br />Solid <br />Waste Garage and Office Expense have been added to Bureau of Sewers Budget. <br />