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PAGE 15 <br />BUREAU OF WATER <br />B- 1979 B d t E 1 4­ <br />U ge _xp ana ion eet <br />110 - Salaries Regular: <br />98 %.of R.O.M. Installation program.has been <br />completed, resulting in a decrease of 6 men <br />in the Meter Department. <br />130 - Salaries Overtime: <br />Increase 10,000 . <br />Extra money needed for possible snow emergency <br />next year. <br />An inflationary increase <br />of 9% was added to the falling line items for 1979: <br />213 - Travel <br />214 - Telephone <br />225 - Rental Office Equipment <br />226 - Uniforms <br />241 - Printing - Other office supplies <br />244 - Maintenance Contracts - Office Equipment <br />247 - Maintenance Contracts - Distribution <br />248 - Maintenance Contracts - Vehicles <br />251 - Building & Structures Repair <br />260 - Other Contractuals <br />312 - Fuel Oil <br />363 - Office Supplies <br />370 - Other Supplies <br />371 - Chemicals <br />376 - Computer & Billing Supplies <br />380 - Maintenance Supplies - Building_ & Structural <br />440 - Other Materials - Distribution System <br />510 - Property Insurance <br />550 - Subscriptions & Dues <br />221 - Electricity: <br />Increase 89,000 <br />33% possible rate increase <br />430 - Repair Parts: <br />Increase 1,000 <br />Additional monies needed to buy repair parts for <br />R.O.M. Registers <br />710 - Building Structures <br />& Improvements: <br />Money needed to replace following items: <br />Roof Repairs Pumping Station <br />3,500 <br />Automation & Valve Replacement Booster Station <br />50,000 <br />Well Cleaning <br />10,000 <br />Well Replacement: Airport #4 2.5 MGD <br />Edison #1 4.1 MGD <br />Oliver #7 3 MGD <br />110,000 <br />173,500 <br />