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ORDINANCE N0. J-/ = S <br />AN ORDINANCE APPROPRIATING MONIES FOR THE PUR- <br />POSE OF DEFRAYING THE OPERATING EXPENSES OF <br />CENTURY CENTER OF THE CITY OF SOUTH BEND, IND- <br />IANA, FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JANUARY 1, <br />1979, AND ENDING DECEMBER 31, 1979, INCLUDING <br />CLAIMS AND OBLIGATIONS, AND FIXING A TIME WHEN <br />THE SAME SHALL TAKE EFFECT. <br />BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF <br />SOUTH BEND, INDIANA: <br />SECTION I. That the expenses of the Century Center for the <br />fiscal year ending December 31, 1979, the following sums of money are hereby <br />appropriated and ordered set apart out of the fund herein named and for the <br />purposes herein specified, subject to the laws governing the same and subject <br />also to the conditions provided in this Ordinance. Such sums herein approp- <br />riated shall be held to include all expenditures authorized to be made during <br />the year, unless otherwise expressly stipulated and provided by law. <br />SECTION II. That for said fiscal year, there is hereby approp- <br />riated out of the Century Center Operations Fund as follows: <br />CENTURY CENTER <br />1979 PROPOSED OPERATIONS BUDGET <br />Account <br />Number DESCRIPTION <br />110.0 Salaries and Wage - Regular <br />Executive Director <br />$24,000.00 <br />Events Coordinator <br />16,116.00 <br />Events Supervisor <br />11,500.00 <br />Scheduling Coordinator <br />13,032.00 <br />Sales Coordinator <br />13,032.00 <br />Building Engineer <br />17,500.00 <br />Custodial Foreman <br />14,118.00 <br />Maintenance Foreman <br />14,118.00 <br />Secretary IV <br />10,026.00 <br />Accounting Clerk IV <br />10,631.00 <br />Clerk I - Receptionist <br />7,936.00 <br />Parking Manager <br />11000.00 <br />Box Office Manager <br />_500.00 <br />120.0 Salaries and Wages - Hourly <br />2 Security Police @ $11,650.00 $23,300.00 <br />2 Security III @ $4.30 @ 2,080 hrs. 17,888.00 <br />Off -Duty Police @ $7.50 @ 1,000 hrs. 7,500.00 <br />1 Box Office General Service @ $.00 8,320.00 <br />Part -time @ $3.00 @ 2,900 hrs. 8,700.00 <br />$17,020.00 <br />AS <br />AMENDED <br />$153,509.00 <br />$244,585.00$239,175.00 <br />$48,688.00 <br />1 Mechanic <br />Foreman @ $5.00 <br />10,400.00 <br />3 Mechanics <br />@ $4.84 <br />30,202.00 <br />4 Mechanics <br />@ $4.54 <br />37,773.00 <br />$78,375.00 <br />1 Custodial <br />Group Leader @ $4.84 <br />$10,068.00 <br />5 Custodian <br />II @ $4.50 <br />46,800.00 <br />1 Custodian <br />I @ $4.20 <br />8,736.00 <br />1 Assistant <br />Group Leader @ $4.60 <br />9,568.00 <br />$75,172.00 <br />1 Box Office General Service @ $.00 8,320.00 <br />Part -time @ $3.00 @ 2,900 hrs. 8,700.00 <br />$17,020.00 <br />AS <br />AMENDED <br />$153,509.00 <br />$244,585.00$239,175.00 <br />