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shall be executed and delivered in the name and on behalf of the <br />Issuer by the manual or facsimile official signature of the Mayor <br />and attested by the manual signature of the City Clerk and the <br />coupons appertaining to the coupon Bonds shall be executed in the <br />name and on behalf of the Issuer by the facsimile signatures of <br />said Mayor and said City Clerk, the Bonds shall have the corporate <br />seal of the Issuer impressed or reproduced thereon and shall be <br />authenticated by the endorsement of the Trustee, all as more <br />fully provided in the Indenture. <br />If any of the officers who shall have signed or sealed said <br />Bonds shall cease to be such officers of the Issuer before the <br />Bonds so signed and sealed shall have been actually authenticated <br />by the Trustee or delivered by the Issuer, the Bonds nevertheless <br />may be authenticated, issued and delivered with the same force <br />and effect as though the person or persons who signed or sealed <br />such Bonds had not ceased to be such officer or officers of the <br />Issuer; and also any such Bonds may be signed and sealed on behalf <br />of the Issuer by those persons who, at the actual date of the <br />execution of such Bonds, shall be the proper officers of the <br />Issuer, although at the nominal date of such Bonds any such person <br />shall not have been such officer of the Issuer. <br />Section 8. Form of the Bonds. The Bonds and the Trustee's <br />endorsement to appear on each of the Bonds shall be in substan- <br />tially the form set forth in the Indenture, with such appropriate <br />variations, omissions, insertions and provisions as are permitted <br />or required by the Indenture, the omissions to be appropriately <br />completed when the Bonds are prepared, and the execution of the <br />Bonds by the City Clerk shall be conclusive evidence of such <br />approval. <br />Section 9. Compliance with the Act. The Bonds shall be <br />issued in compliance with and under authority of the provisions <br />of the Act, this ordinance and the Indenture. <br />�m <br />