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sions of the Act, this ordinance and the Indenture in the principal <br />amount of $3,200,000, which bonds shall be designated "Economic <br />Development Revenue Bonds, Series 1979 (Crowe, Chizek and Company <br />Project) ", and shall be payable as to principal, interest and <br />premium, if any, in lawful money of the United States of America <br />at the principal office of the Trustee, or its successors in trust, <br />under the provisions of the Indenture. <br />The Bonds shall be issuable as coupon Bonds, registrable as <br />to principal only, or as to both principal and interest, in the <br />denomination of $5,000, and as fully registered Bonds without <br />coupons in the denomination of $5,000 and any integral multiple <br />thereof. The Bonds shall be issued initially as fully registered <br />Bonds. The fully registered Bonds shall be lettered R and shall <br />be numbered separately from 1 upward, and the coupon Bonds shall <br />be numbered separately from 1 upward. <br />The coupon Bonds shall be dated January 1, 1979, and shall <br />bear interest from such date payable semiannually on January 1 <br />and July 1 of each year with the first interest payment to be <br />made on July 1, 1979. Fully registered Bonds shall bear interest <br />payable semiannually as aforesaid and shall be dated as of the <br />date of issue and delivery. <br />Bond number R -1 shall be in the denomination of $2,500,000 <br />and shall bear interest at the rate of six and three - quarters <br />percent ( 6 3/40 ) per annum; Bond number R -2 shall be in the <br />denomination of $700,000 and shall bear interest at the rate of <br />seven and sixty- hundredths percent ( 7.600 ) per annum. The Bonds <br />shall mature and be payable in periodic installments as set forth <br />on Exhibit B to the Indenture. <br />The Bonds shall be subject to redemption at the times, under <br />the circumstances, in the manner, at the prices and with the effect <br />as more fully prescribed in Article III of the Indenture, which <br />terms are, by this reference, incorporated herein. <br />Section 6. City of South Bend, Indiana, Not Liable on Bonds. <br />The Bonds shall be limited obligations of the Issuer and, except <br />- 5 - <br />