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ORDINANCE NO. (,,SS2-79 <br />ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF $3,200,000 <br />AGGREGATE PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT <br />REVENUE BONDS, SERIES 1979 (CROWE, CHIZEK AND COMPANY <br />PROJECT) (THE "BONDS "), TO FINANCE THE COST OF THE <br />ACQUISITION, CONSTRUCTION, EQUIPPING AND INSTALLATION <br />OF LAND, A BUILDING AND RELATED FACILITIES CONSTITUTING <br />AN OFFICE BUILDING AND CONFIRMING THE SALE OF THE <br />BONDS TO THE PURCHASERS THEREOF, AND CERTAIN OTHER <br />RELATED MATTERS. <br />WHEREAS, the Issuer (as hereinafter defined) is authorized <br />by the Act (as hereinafter defined) to, among other things, <br />finance the cost of commercial projects in the City of South <br />Bend, Indiana, so that economic development facilities may be <br />diversified, and employment opportunities and the tax base in <br />and near the City of South Bend be made sufficient; and <br />WHEREAS, the Issuer is further authorized by the Act to <br />issue economic development revenue bonds secured by a mortgage <br />on the land and /or facilities so acquired, constructed and equipped <br />through the issuance of such revenue bonds payable from the revenues <br />and receipts derived from the repayment of a loan made with respect <br />to such facilities; and <br />WHEREAS, the Commission (as hereinafter defined) has rendered <br />its Report Making Certain Estimates <br />economic development facilities for <br />defined), and the St. Joseph County <br />South Bend Community School Corpora <br />thereon; and <br />WHEREAS, the Commission, after <br />on the financing of proposed <br />the Company (as hereinafter <br />Area Plan Commission and <br />tion have commented favorably <br />public hearing held on <br />February 2, 1979, adopted a resolution on the same date, which <br />resolution has been previously transmitted hereto, finding that <br />the financing of certain economic development facilities for the <br />Company complies with the purposes and provisions of the Act and <br />that such financing will be of benefit to the health and welfare <br />of the Issuer and its citizens; and <br />WHEREAS, the Commission has heretofore recommended the <br />