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- �senc„v bT 3uce'Rwrd ut .��eouou FA 169 Ci:, i' +<r, t;,O <br />DISCOVERY -HALL MUSEUM ESTIMATE <br />Office or Department <br />TO THE CITY Controller _December 4, 19 78 <br />Controller or Cleric- Treasurer <br />In compliance with the provisions of Chapter 150 of the Acts of 1935, and Acts amendatory thereof and <br />supplemental thereto, the undersigned respectfully submit the following estimate of the necessary expenses <br />of Di SC0yPry Hall Mutpiim for the calendar year ending December 31, 19 79 . <br />Office or Department <br />1 . SERVICES PERSONAL <br />11 Salaries and Wages, Regular <br />111 _Di rprtnr <br />112 Cifratnr of Frhiratinn <br />113 Maintenance Man (Collections Technician) . _ _ <br />114 Secretary II - <br />115 - <br />116 <br />12 Salaries and Wages, Temporary <br />121 Security Guides <br />122 - - - - - <br />123 - - - - - <br />13 Other Compensation <br />131 _ - _ _ <br />132 - <br />133 - - - <br />Items <br />Total <br />10,100 <br />Total Services Contractual - - - - - <br />Total Services Personal - - - _ _ _ - _ _ <br />2 SERVICES <br />CONTRACTUAL <br />21 <br />Communication and Transportation <br />312 <br />211 <br />Freight, Express and Drayage - - - _ _ _ <br />Bottled Gas - _ - - _ _ _ - <br />212 <br />Postage - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ <br />32 Garage and Motor <br />213 <br />Traveling Expenses - - - _ - _ _ _ - - _ <br />322 <br />214 <br />Telephone and Telegraph - - - - - _ _ _ - - <br />Tires and. Tubes - _ - - - _ - <br />215 <br />Other Garage :Lnd .,, . ,•r ;zttpp;;c; <br />22 <br />Heat. Light, Power, Sewage and Water <br />331 <br />221 <br />Electric Current - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ <br />Medical, Surgical ar.,: ierita; - - - - <br />222 <br />Gas . - - - - - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ <br />223 <br />Meat - - - - - - - - - . - - _ - - - <br />224 <br />Water - - - - - - - - - - - _ - <br />225 <br />Sewage - - - - - - - - - - - - - - <br />23 <br />Instruction - - - - - _ _ _ - - _ _ - _ - <br />24 <br />Printing <br />and Advertising <br />241 <br />Printing, Other Than Office Supplies - - - _ - - - <br />242 <br />Publication of Legal Notices - - _ _ - _ _ - _ <br />243 <br />25 <br />Repairs <br />251 <br />Buildings and Structures - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . <br />252 <br />Equipment - - - _ - - - - - _ - _ - _ <br />26 <br />Other Contractual Services <br />261 <br />_rnnq«1 <br />262 <br />Artifart Ractaration <br />263 <br />Other Contractuals _ _ _ <br />263 <br />261.3 Exterminating <br />Items <br />Total <br />10,100 <br />Total Services Contractual - - - - - <br />3 SUPPLIES <br />31 Fuel and Ice <br />311 <br />Coal - - _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ <br />312 <br />Fuel Oil - _ _ - _ - _ - - <br />313 <br />Bottled Gas - _ - - _ _ _ - <br />314 <br />Ice - - - - - - - - - - <br />32 Garage and Motor <br />321 <br />Gasoline - - _ - - _ - - _ <br />322 <br />Oil - - - - - _ _ - - _ <br />323 <br />Tires and. Tubes - _ - - - _ - <br />32 4 <br />Other Garage :Lnd .,, . ,•r ;zttpp;;c; <br />33 Institutional <br />and alcd:cai <br />331 <br />Household, Laundr, -„c <br />332 <br />Medical, Surgical ar.,: ierita; - - - - <br />'333 <br />Other Institutional a, -d :Medical Supplies - <br />Items <br />Total <br />10,100 <br />