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opportunities within and affecting the Issuer, improve and benefit the <br />health, prosperity, economic stability and general welfare of the Issuer, <br />and will encourage and promote the expansion of industry, trade and commerce <br />within the Issuer and the State of Indiana. <br />Section 2. Findings. The Legislative Authority hereby finds that <br />the issuance of the Project Bonds for the purpose of financing the costs <br />of said Project will be of benefit to the health, prosperity, economic <br />stability and general welfare of the Issuer, by assisting in the reduction <br />of the deficiency previously found to exist, to wit: insufficient employment <br />opportunities. <br />Section 3. Definitions. In addition to the words and terms <br />elsewhere defined in this Bond Legislation, the following words and terms <br />as used in this Bond Legislation and in the Indenture shall have the <br />following meanings unless the context or use indicates another or different <br />meaning or intent: <br />"Act" means the Municipal Economic Development Act of 1965, as <br />amended (Indiana Code of 1971, Title 18, Article 6, Chapter 4.5). <br />"Additional Bonds" means Bonds of the Issuer which may be issued <br />under Section 10 of this Bond Legislation and pursuant to Section 2.08 of <br />the Indenture. <br />"Agreement" means the Loan Agreement between the Issuer and the <br />Company, dated as of July 1, 1979, as it may be amended, modified or <br />supplemented in accordance with the applicable provisions thereof. <br />"Bond" or "Bonds" means the Project Bonds and any Additional Bonds. <br />"Bond Fund" means the Bond Fund created by Section 9 hereof. <br />"Bondholder" or "holder" or "holder of Bonds" means the person in <br />whose name a registered Bond is registered. <br />- 4 - <br />