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Economic Development Commission <br />Jerry Hammes, President <br />Frank Horvath, Vice- President <br />Walter A. Mucha, Secretary <br />Kenneth P. Fedder, Counsel <br />CITY of SOUTH BEND <br />PETER J. NEMETH, Mayor <br />SOUTH BEND, INDIANA 46601 <br />Common Council of the <br />City of South Bend <br />County -City Building <br />South Bend, Indiana <br />July 3, 1979 <br />JUL 3 119 <br />Irene Gammon <br />CITY CLERK, SoLiT +j <br />Re: City of South Bend, Indiana <br />$10,000.00 Economic Development Revenue Bonds, <br />Series A (Rahn Properties II Project) <br />Gentlemen: <br />230 West Jefferson Boulevard <br />(219) 234 -0051 <br />Pursuant to the provisions of Indiana Code 18- 6- 4.5 -17, <br />there are enclosed: <br />1. Resolution adopted on June 18, 1979 by the South <br />Bend Economic Development Commission which includes a re- <br />port on the proposed financing of economic development <br />facilities, which report has been submitted to the plan <br />commission and school corporation having jurisdiction <br />where the facilities are to be located. <br />2. Resolution adopted on June 29, 1979 by the South <br />Bend Economic Development Commission after a public hearing <br />on the proposed financing of such economic development <br />facilities approving the proposed financing and approving <br />the form and terms of Economic Development Revenue Bonds, <br />Loan Agreement, Indenture of Trust, Bond Purchase Agreement <br />and Bond Ordinance. <br />3. Copies of each of the financing documents re- <br />ferred to in the preceding paragraph. <br />The South Bend Economic Development Commission requests <br />that you consider these enclosures and the proposed financing con- <br />templated thereby and take such additional action as is necessary <br />to complete such financing. <br />SOUTH BEND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION <br />By ) <br />Secret ry <br />