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ment, Mortgage and Security Agreement, herein identified as and <br />called the "Agreement ", in the final form submitted to this Common <br />Council, which is hereby approved in all respects; and the Clerk is <br />hereby directed to insert a copy thereof, in the form submitted to <br />this meeting and approved hereby, in the minutes of this Common <br />Council and to certify thereon that the same is the form of Agree- <br />ment submitted to this Common Council and approved by the Bond Ordi- <br />nance and identified herein as the "Agreement" and to keep such <br />Agreement on file. Said Agreement contains provisions authorized <br />and permitted by the Act. <br />Section 10. Guaranty: In order to further secure the pay- <br />ment of the principal of, premium, if any, and interest on the <br />Bonds, the City shall require that Chromalloy American Corporation <br />guarantee payment of the principal of, premium, if any, and interest <br />on the Bonds pursuant to a Guaranty Agreement, herein identified <br />as and called the "Guaranty ", in the final form submitted to the <br />Common Council, which is hereby approved in all respects; and the <br />Clerk is hereby directed to insert a copy thereof in the form sub- <br />mitted to this meeting and approved hereby, in the minutes of this <br />Common Council and to certify thereon that the same is the form of <br />Guaranty so submitted to this Common Council and approved by this <br />Bond Ordinance and identified herein as the Guaranty and to keep <br />such Guaranty on file. Said Guaranty contains provisions author- <br />ized and permitted by the Act. <br />Section 11. General: The Mayor and Clerk be, and they each <br />hereby are, authorized and directed, in the name of and on behalf <br />of the City to execute any and all instruments, perform any and all <br />acts,.approve any and all matters, and do any and all things deemed <br />by them, or any of them, to be 'necessary or desirable in order to <br />carry out the purposes of this Bond Ordinance (including the pre- <br />ambles hereto), the acquisition and construction of the Project by <br />the User, the issuance and sale of the Bonds, and the securing <br />-7- <br />