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ORDINANCE OF THE COMMON COUNCIL <br />OF THE CITY OF SOUTH BEND <br />COMMON COUNCIL ORDINANCE NO.(,4J - ?Q September G1J, 1979 <br />A SPECIAL ORDINANCE authorizing the City of <br />South Bend to issue its "Economic Development Mortgage <br />Revenue Bonds (Express Freight Lines, Inc., Project)" in <br />the principal amount of One Million Dollars ($1,000,000) <br />and approving and authorizing other actions in respect <br />thereto. <br />WHEREAS, the South Bend Economic Development <br />Commission has rendered a Report of the South Bend Economic <br />Development Commission concerning the proposed financing <br />of economic development facilities for Express Freight <br />Lines, Inc., and the Director of the South Bend Area Plan <br />Commission has been given an opportunity to comment thereon; <br />WHEREAS, the St. Joseph County Council has consented <br />to the South Bend Economic Development Commission and the <br />City of South Bend to the financing of certain economic <br />development facilities for Express Freight Lines, Inc., by <br />the issuance of City of South Bend, Indiana economic develop- <br />ment revenue bonds; <br />WHEREAS, the South Bend Economic Development <br />Commission after a public hearing adopted a resolution, which <br />resolution has been previously transmitted hereto, finding <br />that the financing of certain economic development facilities <br />of Express Freight Lines, Inc., complies with the purposes and <br />provisions of IC 18 -6 -4.5 and that such financing will be of <br />benefit to the health, prosperity, economic stability and <br />general welfare of the City of South Bend and St. Joseph <br />County and their citizens; and <br />