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X11 tot ffnmumn (llouurd of Of 01tty of #M44 jotub: <br />Your Committee OF THE WHOLE <br />to whom was referred <br />A BILL AMENDING AND RE- ENACTING CHAPTER 2, ARTICLE <br />IX, SECTIONS 2- 126, 2 -127, 2 -128, 2 -129, 2 -130, <br />2 -131 and 2 -132 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE OF SOUTH BEND, <br />INDIANA, 1976, ORDINANCE NO. 6003 -76 COMMONLY <br />REFERRED TO AS THE SOUTH BEND HUMAN RIGHTS ORDINANCE. <br />Respectfully report that they have examined the matter and that in their opinion THIS BILL SHOULD BE RECOMMENDED <br />TO THE COUNCIL FAVORABLE, AS AMENDED: <br />Section 2 -128 (1) add to the last sentence in the paragraph: <br />"or from the date of the termination of a published and <br />meaningful grievance procedure provided by a respondent <br />employer, or labor union." <br />FRANK HORVATH <br />Chairman <br />FREE PRESS PUBLISHING CO. <br />