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(j) The term "public accomodation" shall mean any establishment, <br />organization or authority which caters or offers its services or <br />facilities or goods to the general public, including, but not limited <br />to, motels, hotels, theaters, stores, public restaurants, public <br />library services, and public recreational services and facilities. <br />(k) The term -'ee piaiaaet!' "charging party" shall mean any <br />individual charging on his own behalf to have been personally aggrieved <br />by a discriminatory practice or the director of the Commission with the <br />approval of the full Commission charging that a discriminatory practice <br />was committed against a person other than himself or a class of people <br />in order to vindicate the public policy of the City of South Bend as <br />defined in Section 2 -127 of this Article. <br />(1) The term- 'eempiaiatu- "charge" shall mean any written grie- <br />vances filed by a eempiaiaaat charging party with the Commission. <br />The original shall be signed and verified before a notary public or <br />other person duly authorized by law to administer oaths and take <br />acknowledgements, notarial service shall be furnished by the Commis - <br />sion without charge. To be acceptable by the Commission a eempiaint <br />charge shall be sufficiently complete so as to reflect properly the <br />full name and address of the eepiaiaaat; charging party; the names <br />and address of the respondent against whom the eeffipiaint charge is <br />made, the alleged discriminatory practice and a statement of the <br />particulars thereof; if of a continuing nature, the dates between <br />which said continuing acts of discrimination are alleged to have <br />occurred; and a statement as to any other action, civil or criminal, <br />instituted in any other form based upon the same grievance as is <br />alleged in the eempiaint- charge, together with a statement as to <br />the status or disposition of such other action. No eempia }at charge <br />shall be valid unless filed within ninety (90) days from the date <br />of the alleged act, or from the date of the termination of a published <br />and meaningful grievance procedure provided by a respondent employer, <br />or labor union. <br />(m) The term "respondent" shall mean any person against whom a <br />eeMpiaiat charge is filed. <br />(n) The term "consent agreement" shall mean a formal agreement <br />entered into in lieu of adjudication. <br />(o) The term "affirmative action" shall mean those acts which <br />the Commission deems necessary to assure compliance with the South <br />Bend Human Rights Ordinance. <br />(p) The term "sex" as it applies to segregation or separation <br />in this article shall apply to all types of employment, education <br />public accomodation and housing. <br />(q) "Handicap or handicapped" means the physical or mental <br />condition of a person which constitutes a substantial disability. <br />In reference to employment, "handicap or handicapped" aise means a <br />the physical or mental condition of a person which constitutes a <br />substantial disability unrelated to such person's ability to engage <br />in a particular occupation. <br />(r) The term "person" means one or more individuals, partner- <br />ships, associations, organizations, corporations, labor organizations, <br />cooperatives, legal representatives, trustees, trustees in bankruptcy, <br />receivers and other organized groups of persons. <br />Section 2 -129. Human Rights Commission created, composition; <br />tenure of members, filling vacancies; removal, compensation. <br />(a) There is hereby created a South Bend Human Rights Commission <br />composed of nine (9) members who are residents of the City of South <br />Bend and are representative of the racial, ethnic, religious, economic <br />and educational groups in the community. <br />(b) Successors to all members of the Commission shall be appointed <br />for terms of four (4) years except when appointed to fill a vacancy <br />in which case such appointment shall be for the unexpired term. <br />-3- <br />