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Project, including necessary expenses incidental thereto and to <br />the issuance of the 1979 Series B Bonds, and the capitalizing of <br />interest during the estimated period of construction of the <br />Project, the 1979 Series B Bonds are hereby authorized to be <br />issued in the principal amount of not to exceed $5,000,000, which <br />bonds shall be designated "Economic Development Revenue Bonds, <br />1979 Series B (Brethren Care of South Bend, Inc., Project)," <br />shall be issued in coupon form registrable as to principal only <br />in the denomination of $5000, and as fully registered bonds <br />without coupons in the denomination of $5000 or any integral <br />multiple thereof not in excess of any single maturity, or in any <br />other denominations as shall be authorized pursuant to a resolution <br />to be subsequently adopted by this Common Council, and shall be <br />payable as to principal and interest in lawful money of the <br />United States of America at the principal corporate trust office <br />of the Trustee, except in the case of fully registered bonds <br />which shall be payable as to interest by check or draft of the <br />Trustee mailed to the registered owner thereof, under the provi- <br />sions of the Indenture. <br />The 1979 Series B Bonds shall be dated December 1, <br />1979, or as provided in the Indenture; shall be lettered and <br />numbered from l upward in the case of coupon bonds and from R -1 <br />upward in the case of fully registered bonds, or as provided in <br />the Indenture. The 1979 Series B Bonds shall bear interest <br />payable June 1, 1980, and semiannually thereafter on each December <br />1 and June 1 at such rates, shall.mature on December 1 in such <br />years and principal amounts, and shall be subject to redemption <br />prior to maturity at such times, in such manner and upon such <br />terms, as shall be authorized pursuant to a resolution to be <br />subsequently adopted by this Common Council. <br />For the purpose of securing the payment of the 1979 <br />Series B Bonds there are hereby authorized to be established and <br />maintained with the Trustee pursuant to the terms of the Inden- <br />ture the following funds: <br />5 <br />