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WHEREAS, pursuant to Ordinance 6481 -78 the Issuer has heretofore issued <br />$8,000,000 principal amount of Economic Development Revenue Bonds, Series A <br />(Brethren Care of South Bend, Inc., Project), as authorized and permitted by the <br />Act, in order to finance a portion of the costs of the Project; and <br />WHEREAS, it is proposed to finance the balance of the costs of the Project <br />thorugh the issuance of economic development bonds by the Issuer pursuant to the <br />provisions of the Act; and <br />WHEREAS, the South Bend Economic Development Commission (the "Commission "), <br />after holding a public hearing on the question of financing the balance of the <br />costs of the Project, has, by resolution adopted November 2, 1979, recommended <br />that the balance of the costs of the Project be financed by the Issuer by the <br />issuance of its economic development revenue bonds in order to promote the pur- <br />poses of the Act and has found that the financing will be of benefit to the <br />health and welfare of the Issuer and in compliance with the purposes and provi- <br />sions of the Act; and <br />WHEREAS, the aggregate cost of financing the balance of the costs of the <br />Project (including incidental expenses related thereto and to the issuance of <br />said economic development revenue bonds) has been determined to be not more than <br />$5,000,000; and <br />WHEREAS, in order to finance the balance of the costs of acquiring, <br />constructing and equipping the Project, the Issuer proposes to issue not more <br />than $5,000,000 principal amount of Economic Development Revenue Bonds, 1979 <br />Series B (Brethren Care of South Bend, Inc., Project) (the "1979 Series B <br />Bonds "), as authorized and permitted by the Act and as hereinafter provided; and <br />WHEREAS, the Issuer proposes to enter into a Security Agreement, <br />which is a "financing agreement" within the meaning of the Act, dated as of <br />December 1, 1979 (the "Security Agreement "), with the Corporation, specifying <br />the terms and conditions of financing the balance of the costs of the Project <br />and of completing the acquisition, construction and equipping of the Project, as <br />aforesaid, and setting forth the terms of the Corporation's Promissory Note, <br />1979 Series B dated December 1, 1979 (the "1979 Series B Note "), which note <br />shall be secured solely by a pledge of the Life Occupancy Fees (as defined in <br />the Security Agreement) received by the Corporation in respect of the Project; <br />and <br />- 2 - <br />