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Bond Purchase Agreement by the Corporation and the acceptance <br />thereof by the Original Purchaser, the performance of all of the <br />obligations of the Issuer under the Security Agreement and the <br />Indenture, the execution and delivery of the 1979 Series B Bonds, <br />and the performance of all other acts of whatever nature neces- <br />sary to effect and carry out the authority conferred by the Act, <br />this ordinance, the Security Agreement and the Indenture. The <br />Mayor and the City Clerk be, and they hereby are, further autho- <br />rized and directed, for and on behalf of the Issuer, to execute <br />all papers, documents, certificates and other instruments that <br />may be required for the carrying out of the authority conferred <br />by the Act, this ordinance, the Security Agreement and the Inden- <br />ture, or to evidence said authority and its exercise. <br />Section 12. Arbitrage. The Issuer hereby covenants <br />that it will restrict the use of any moneys on deposit in any <br />fund or account established in connection with the 1979 Series B <br />Bonds, whether or not such moneys were derived from the proceeds <br />of the sale of the 1979 Series B Bonds, in such manner and to <br />such extent as may be necessary, in view of reasonable expecta- <br />tions at the time of issuance of the 1979 Series B Bonds, so that <br />the 1979 Series B Bonds will not constitute "arbitrage bonds" <br />under Section 103(c) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, as <br />amended, and regulations prescribed thereunder. The Mayor, the <br />City Clerk, or any other officer of the Issuer having responsi- <br />bility for the issuance of the 1979 Series B Bonds is hereby <br />authorized and directed to give an appropriate certificate for <br />inclusion in the transcript of the proceedings with respect to <br />the 1979 Series B Bonds, upon receipt of appropriate assurances <br />in writing from the Corporation, setting forth the facts, esti- <br />mates and reasonable expectations pertinent under said section. <br />Section 13. Ratification. All acts and doings of any <br />officer or agent of the Issuer in furtherance of the purposes and <br />intent of this ordinance are hereby ratified, confirmed and made <br />the acts and deeds of this Common Council. <br />-il- <br />