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711 <br />725 <br />726 <br />1980 Budget Explanation Sheet <br />Other Equipment Decrease of $13,500.00 or 8% <br />Chain & sprockets for primary tanks <br />$ 5,000,00 <br />Sanitaire diffuser tubes <br />2,000.00 <br />New Lieman compressors for digesters <br />1,000,00 <br />Worthington compressors in digester No. 2, <br />new feather valves and gaskets <br />2,000.00 <br />Gas storage spheres - drain, purge & inspect <br />10,000.00 <br />Gas pipes in tunnels - replace or repair at all thread joints <br />5,000.00 <br />Install new pressure relief valves on North gas storage sphere <br />5,000.00 <br />Chlorine system - various replacement parts <br />2,000.00 <br />Rex sprockets and toothed clutches for the primary tank sludge <br />collection system order additional sprockets and clutches, <br />5,000.00 <br />Iron f i re;nan -- fire tube replacement <br />3,000.00 <br />Replace John Deere tractor <br />6,000.00 <br />Drain at outside (north) of Degritting building <br />6,000.00 <br />Overhaul No. 1 diesel blower engine <br />10,000.00 <br />Digester covers - new roofs on No. 2 and No. 4 <br />10,000.00 <br />Secondary tanks - diffuser tube headers - zine plates for <br />control of electrolytic corrosion <br />1,000.00 <br />New pump and piping changes - to replace Chicago pump in <br />basenlent of No. 3 digester <br />6,000.00 <br />Carter System - No. 1 and No.'3 digesters - Atara changes <br />to heating and mixing guns <br />10,000.00 <br />Storage building for maintenance supplies - chains, sprockets, <br />etc' <br />Increase electrical capability in the digester area to provide <br />15,000.00 <br />for increased horsepo.:er i-lotors on ne ;I humps <br />3,000.00 <br />Lawnmowers - new (2) hand type - 4 cycles engines <br />Clean No. 3 digester - Spring of `80 <br />1,000.00 <br />Roofing - new and repairs - various buildings <br />3,000.00 <br />3,000.00 <br />Case ioa :der - need winter cap <br />1,500.00 <br />Fork lift - 2 ton <br />5,000.00 <br />Butterfly valves in secondary - four needed <br />8,000.00 <br />Repaint (contractor) berth gas storage snl;eres and both lime <br />storage tanks <br />5,000.00 <br />Atomic Absorption Unit <br />28,000.00 <br />161,500.00 <br />Office Ecu i t Inc, ease of 20, 00 or 18 °' node to <br />replace .corn <br />out equipment. <br />Other Equipment Decrease of $6,600.00 or 32% <br />U1 trason' i c 1 evel detector s seem <br />Ti.-,,,o L'ri,;o� air conditi�r,ers�( eplace, t} 6,000.00 <br />;Water ciiker tlr dugestir n 800.00 <br />600.00 <br />T.vo (2) ton electric hoist 2 speed 2,500.00 I Replace gent auger tyre grf% .,e,-oval conveyor for degrittin9 4,100.00 <br />14,000.00 <br />