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(b) The Board of Public Works and - Safety shall issue to any present <br />holder of a taxicab license under the ordinance in effect prior to the <br />effective date of this division, a certificate of public convenience and <br />necessity for the operation of the same number of taxicabs presently <br />licensed to such holder upon the filing of an application as required by <br />section 15 -40 and complying with section 15 -43. No notice and no public <br />hearing shall be necessary as required by this section. <br />Sec. 15 -42. Issuance; denial. <br />(a) If the Board of Public Works and - Safety finds that additional <br />taxicab service in the City is required by the public convenience and <br />necessity and that the applicant is fit, willing and able to perform <br />such public transportation and to conform to the provisions of this <br />article and the rules promulgated by the Board, then the Board shall <br />issue a certificate stating: <br />(1) The name and address of the applicant; <br />(2) The number of vehicles authorized under such certificate; <br />and <br />(3) The date of issuance. <br />(b) If a certificate is not issued, the application shall be denied. <br />Sec. 15 -43, Liability Insurance Required; Contents. <br />(a) No certificate of public convenience and necessity may be issued <br />or continued in operation to a holder unless there is on file in the <br />office of the Controller, and in force and effect, a current policy of <br />insurance in an amount of not less than fifty thousand dollars ($50,000.00) <br />for injury to or destruction of property as a result of any one occurrence <br />and a public liability policy covering accidental bodily injury, including <br />death, to any member of the public in an amount of not less than one <br />hundred thousand dollars ($100,000.00) for all public liability from any <br />one occurrence. Said policy shall be updated annually and on file with the <br />Office of the Controller before any issuance of a certificate of public <br />convenience and necessity. <br />Sec. 15 -45. Transferability - of certificate <br />No certificate of public convenience and necessity may be sold, <br />assigned, mortgaged or other wise transferred without the consent of the <br />Board of Public Works. and - Safety- <br />Sec. 15 -50. Taxicab driver's license; application approval or rejection; <br />written report. <br />(a) The Controller shall upon consideration of the application and <br />the reports and certificate required to be attached thereto approve or <br />reject the application. If the application is rejected, the applicant may <br />request a personal appearance before the Board of Public Works and - Safety <br />to offer evidence why his application should be reconsidered. <br />Sec. 15 -54. Taxicab driver's license; suspension or revocation. <br />(a) The Board of Public Works and- Safety is given the authority to <br />suspend any driver's license issued under this Division for a driver <br />failing or refusing to comply with the provisions of this Article. The <br />suspension shall last for a period of not more than thirty (30) days. <br />(b) The Board of Public Works and - Safety is also given authority to <br />revoke any driver's license for failure to comply with the provisions <br />of this Article. However, a license may not be revoked unless the driver <br />has received notice and has had an opportunity to present evidence in <br />his behalf. <br />Sec. 15 -55. Compliance with Federal, State and City laws. <br />Every driver licensed under this Division shall comply with all <br />City, State and Federal laws. Failure to do so shall justify the Board <br />of Public Works and - Safety suspending or revoking a license. <br />(5) <br />