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SECTION II. Source of Funds <br />Said fund shall be funded by amounts appropriated by the <br />Council as part of the annual general budgeting process for all <br />departments, bureaus, and boards of the City. In addition, the <br />Council may approve additional appropriations as needed from <br />these same sources. <br />SECTION III. Expenditure of Funds <br />No expenditure of funds or payment of claims arising from <br />the City's retention of liability shall be made by the Board of <br />Public Works without the approval of both the City Controller <br />or his named representative, and the City Attorney or his named <br />representative. Insurance premiums shall be paid on policies <br />acquired through the process described in 16 -21 of the South Bend <br />Municipal Code as needed upon approval by the Controller's office. <br />Incidental contractual expenses which may occur as a result of <br />retained liability claims shall be submitted to the Board of <br />Public Works for payment upon approval of both the City Controller <br />or his named representative and the City Attorney or his named <br />representative, <br />SECTION IV. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in <br />force January 1, 1980 and Rassed by the South Bend Common Council <br />on the day of 1979. <br />ist READING <br />PUBLIC HEARING Cd —,'' 7 <br />2nd READING <br />NOT APPROVED <br />REFERRED <br />PASSED <br />a Li. <br />Ba v .: <br />SEA' 1 9{ 1979 <br />h Mt <br />arnai 46 p <br />;, • <br />