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ORDINANCE NO. (o (q Q - 7 9 <br />AN ORDINANCE APPROVING MONEYS FOR THE PURPOSE OF <br />DEFRAYING THE CETA ADMINISTRATIVE COST EXPENSES OF <br />THE BUREAU OF EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING FOR THE FIS- <br />CAL PERIOD BEGINNING OCTOBER 1, 1979, AND ENDING <br />SEPTEMBER 30, 1980, INCLUDING ALL OUTSTANDING CLAIMS <br />AND OBLIGATIONS, AND FIXING A TIME WHEN THE SAME <br />SHALL TAKE EFFECT. <br />STATEMENT OF PURPOSE AND INTENT <br />The City of South Bend Bureau of Employment and Training <br />is the recipient of funds allocated in accord with the Comprehensive <br />Employment and Training Act (CETA). These funds are allocated <br />for the specific purpose of training and employing the unemployed <br />and economically disadvantaged of the community. This ordinance <br />is introduced in order to specify the line item expenditure of <br />funds for the CETA Administrative Cost Pool. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Common Council of <br />the City of South Bend, Indiana, as follows: <br />SECTION I. For the expenses of the Bureau of Employment <br />and Training for the Fiscal Period ending September 30, 1980, the <br />following sums of money are hereby approved and ordered set apart <br />out of the funds hereinafter named, and for the purposes herein - <br />after specified, subject to the laws governing the same. The <br />sums herein approved shall be deemed to include all expenditures <br />authorized to be made in said year, unless otherwise expressly <br />stipulated or provided by law. <br />SECTION II. This ordinance shall be in full force and <br />affect from and after its passage by the Common Council and <br />approval by the Mayor. <br />1st READING 5;0-.Q V- 7y <br />PUBLIC HEARING /d <br />2n8 READIPlG <br />NOT APPROVED <br />REFERRED <br />PASSED <br />ell <br />Member of C on Council <br />�,Wsa *eL <br />�r:P 1 1970 <br />Crrene mrro g <br />UT' CLERK, SQLiTI! BFN9, IND. <br />