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(3) "Smoke Detectors" shall be defined as equipment designed to <br />detect visible or invisible particles of combusion, approved by <br />Underwriters Laboratories, Incorporated, and which conform to the <br />Uniform Building Code Standard No. 43 -6. <br />SEC. 9 -12. Smoke Detectors Required. <br />(a) All Multiple dwelling units and rental units as heretofore <br />defined shall be equipped with smoke detectors. <br />(b) The owner, manager, or agent of the heretofore defined <br />multiple dwelling units and rental units, shall be responsible for <br />the installation and maintenance of all smoke detectors. <br />(c) In multiple family dwellings and existing hotels and motels, the <br />smoke detectors shall be mounted on the ceiling or wall every fifty (50) feet,'. <br />at a point centrally located in the corridor or area giving access <br />to the rooms used for sleeping purposes. Where sleeping rooms <br />are on an upper level, the detector shall be placed at the center <br />of the ceiling directly above the stairway. <br />(d) In apartment houses, boardinghouses, lodginghouses, rooming <br />houses, and new construction hotels and motels or those hotels <br />and motels which are remodeled after the passage of this article, <br />the smoke detectors shall be centrally located on the ceiling of <br />each room used for sleeping purposes. <br />(e) All smoke detectors shall be located within twelve (12) <br />inches of the ceiling, and no detector shall be recessed into the <br />ceiling. <br />(f) When actuated, all smoke detectors shall provide an <br />audible alarm of at least eighty five (85) decibels at ten (10) <br />feet, and such alarm shall be capable of persisting for at least <br />four ( 4 ) minutes. <br />SEC. 9 -13. Maintenance. <br />(a) It shall be unlawful for any person to tamper or remove <br />any smoke detector except when it is necessary for maintenance or <br />inspection purposes. <br />(b) Any smoke detector removed for repair or replacement must <br />be re- installed or replaced so that it is in place when the room <br />is occupied. <br />SEC. 9 -14. Enforcement. <br />(a) The Building Department of the City with the assistance <br />of the Fire Department of the City shall be charged with the duty of <br />enforcing the terms of this Article. <br />(b) Before a license can be issued for the operation of any <br />hotel, motel, rooming house or lodginghouse, pursuant to Section <br />11 -20 of this Code, said buildings shall be inspected to ensure that <br />all smoke detectors required by this Article are in place and operable. <br />SEC. 9 -15. Penalties. <br />Anyone found in violation of this Article, and upon conviction, <br />shall be fined in the amount of not less than one hundre dollars ($100.00) <br />nor more than one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) for each violation. <br />SECTION II. If any provision of this ordinance, or application <br />thereof to any person or circumstances, is held unconstitutional or <br />otherwise invalid, the remaining provisions of this ordinance shall <br />not be affected thereby. <br />SECTION III. <br />six (6) months after <br />South Bend, Indiana, <br />1sf READING <br />PUBLIC HEARING <br />2nd READ1o1v <br />NOT AP ROVED <br />This ordinance shall be in full force, and effect <br />the passage by the Common Council of the City of <br />approval by the Mayor, and legal ublication. <br />L.4 AA4� =--K .1 ell� <br />Member of the Comm Council <br />REFERRED <br />PASSED <br />-2- <br />