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referred to in the First Supplemental Loan Agreement, pre- <br />viously approved by the South Bend Economic Development <br />Commission and presented to this Common Council, the issuance <br />and sale of mortgage revenue bonds, the loan of the net <br />proceeds thereof to Express Freight Lines, Inc., for the <br />acquisition and construction of said facilities and the <br />repayment of said loan by Express Freight Lines, Inc., to <br />be evidenced and secured by a promissory note of Express <br />Freight Lines, Inc., will be of benefit to the health, <br />prosperity, economic stability and general welfare of the <br />City of South Bend and St. Joseph County and their citizens <br />and complies with the purposes and provisions of IC 18- 6 -4.5. <br />SECTION 2. The forms of the First Supplemental <br />Loan Agreement, including the Series 1980 Note attached <br />thereto, the First Supplemental Mortgage and Trust Indenture <br />and the Bond Purchase Agreement approved by the South Bend <br />Economic Development Commission are hereby approved and all <br />such documents shall be incorporated herein by reference and <br />shall be inserted in the minutes of the Common Council and <br />kept on file by the Clerk of the Council. <br />SECTION 3. The City of South Bend shall issue <br />its Economic Development Mortgage Revenue Bonds, Series 1980 <br />(Express Freight Lines, Inc., Project) in the total principal <br />amount of Five Hundred Thousand Dollars ($500,000) for the <br />purpose of procuring funds to loan to Express Freight Lines, <br />Inc., in order to pay the increased costs of the acquisition, <br />construction, installation and equipping of the economic <br />development facilities, as more particularly set out in <br />the First Supplemental Loan Agreement and First Supplemental <br />Mortgage and Trust Indenture incorporated herein by reference, <br />which Bonds will be payable as to principal, premium, if <br />-3- <br />