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Tommutrr Airport <br />(To the ffommou Touudl of thr TUR of Oouth 11rud: <br />Your Committee OF THE WHOLE <br />to whom was referred <br />A BILL AMENDING VARIOUS SECTIONS WITHIN CHAPTER 2, <br />ARTICLE 16, COMMONLY KNOWN AS THE FAIR CAMPAIGN <br />PRACTICES ACT, OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE OF THE CITY OF <br />SOUTH BEND, INDIANA. <br />Respectfully report that they have examined the matter and that in their opinion THIS BILL SHOULD BE RECOMMENDED <br />TO THE COUNCIL FAVORABLE, as amended: <br />Section II. In Sec. 2- 202(b) <br />Delete: three (3) <br />Substitute: two (2) <br />Section III: In Sec. 2 -203 <br />Delete: entire subsection (3) <br />Substitute: <br />(d) Every candidate, or treasurer of any political committee <br />acting in behalf of a candidate shall file all reports with the <br />County Clerk's office. Filing reports required under Indiana <br />State Law (I.C. 3 -4 -1 -1 through I.C. 3- 4 -7 -7) as it may be <br />amended from time to time shall be considered compliance with <br />this article. <br />Sec. 2 =203 (3) Delete: City Substitute: County <br />Sec. 2 -203 (f) Delete: entire subsection <br />Substitute: <br />WALTER SZYMKOWIAK <br />Chairman <br />(f) All reports required under this section shall be on forms <br />made available by the Office of the County Clerk and shall con- <br />tain such items as required by state law. <br />Sec. 2 -203 (g) Delete entire subsection (g) <br />FRE[ PRESS PUBLISHING CO. <br />