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DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY <br />OF SOUTH BEND AND NEW ENERGY CORPORATION OF INDIANA, INC. <br />.This Development Agreement, made and entered into this 9th day <br />of October, 1981, by the City of South Bend, Indiana, a municipal <br />corporation duly organized and existing pursuant to the laws of the <br />State of Indiana (hereinafter referred to as "City ") and New Energy <br />Corporation of Indiana, Inc., an Indiana corporation duly organized <br />and existing pursuant to the laws of the State of Indiana (here- <br />inafter referred to as "New Energy "), for purposes of the develop- <br />ment of an ethanol production facility in the City of South Bend, <br />Indiana. <br />W I T N E S S E T H: <br />WHEREAS, New Energy desires to construct an ethanol production <br />facility on a site within the City described as follows (hereinafter <br />referred to as "site "): <br />A parcel of property in Section 16, Township 37 <br />North, Range 2 East including the east one -half <br />of the northeast one - quarter of the southwest <br />one - quarter of Section 16 and the north one -half <br />of the southeast one - quarter of Section 16, <br />EXCEPTING therefrom a certain tract of land de- <br />scribed as beginning at the northeast corner of <br />the southwest quarter of said Section 16; thence <br />south 33 feet, thence west 16 feet; thence south <br />parallel with the east line of said Section 16 <br />367 feet, thence west parallel with the center- <br />line of said Section 16, to the east line of the <br />right -of -way of the New Jersey, Indiana and <br />Illinois Railroad Company as the same has been <br />and is now located; thence northeasterly along <br />the easterly line of said right -of -way to the <br />east and west centerline of said Section 16; <br />,.,thence-along said --centerline of said Section 16 <br />to the east line thereof and the place of begin - <br />ning containing 27.017 acres, more or less, and <br />conveyed to the New Jersey, Indiana and Illinois <br />Railroad Company by deeds recorded respectively <br />in Deed Record 164, Page 140 and Deed Record <br />193, Page 191, of the records of St. Joseph <br />County, Indiana; <br />