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ORDINANCE NO. t� � 9 - 2, 1 <br />AN ORDINANCE CREATING AN INDUSTRIAL <br />DEVELOPMENT FUND <br />STATEMENT OF PURPOSE AND INTENT: <br />The City of South Bend has entered into creative and <br />affirmative partnership with St. Joseph County and with business <br />and labor in the community to take action to encourage business and <br />industry currently located in the South Bend area to maintain its <br />facilities here and also to take all necessary and proper action to <br />facilitate the location at underutilized sites in South Bend by <br />business and industry which would significantly improve the economic <br />climate of our area, increase the tax base, provide employment <br />opportunities, and serve as a magnet for other business and industry <br />to locate here. <br />New Energy Company of Indiana has expressed a desire to <br />choose South Bend as the location for construction of a One Hundred <br />Fifty One Million Dollar ($151,000,000.00) ethanol plant. However, <br />certain conditions present at the proposed site in southwest South <br />Bend require additional initial expenditures which, if not remedied <br />in an economical manner, will preclude New Energy's choice of South <br />Bend for its facility. <br />Members of the business and labor community desire to induce <br />New Energy to locate in South Bend by pledging to donate funds to <br />help offset New Energy's initial expenditures required to remedy con- <br />ditions unique to the southwest South Bend site. These pledges by <br />the South Bend business and labor community represent part of a co- <br />ordinated effort by the public and private sectors of the South Bend - <br />St. Joseph County Community to induce New Energy to locate here. <br />In order to establish an initial vehicle to receive and <br />disperse funds so pledged, the City of South Bend, as coordinator of <br />the public and private community effort, needs to establish a <br />separate and dedicated fund. The creation of an Industrial <br />Development Fund for purposes associated with industrial development <br />is permitted by Indiana Code 36 -7 -13. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF <br />SOUTH BEND, INDIANA, THAT: <br />SECTION I: There is hereby established within the accounts <br />administered by the City Controller a special revolving fund to be <br />entitled the Industrial Development Fund. <br />SECTION II: (a) For purposes of this Ordinance, "improve" <br />shall mean to construct, reconstruct, or repair public ways, <br />sidewalks, sewers, drains, fences, or buildings, and to do all other <br />things that would enhance the value of real property and make it more <br />suitable to industrial use. <br />