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Mayor - Rck ;er '0. Parent -2- Augus -t 5, .'1980. <br />Projections prepared from information supplied by <br />management of the utilities indicates that there will not be <br />an appreciable increase in revenues, while increases in <br />expenditures may be expected. As a result, there would not <br />be expected to be an improvement in the cash and operating <br />status of the utilities under the present revenue structure. <br />Based on the apparent deteriorating financial condition of <br />the utilities, it is imperative that relief be sought by <br />means of a rate increase. <br />The present rate structure for the Waterworks was <br />established by Ordinance No. 5608, dated November 26, 1973, <br />and the Wastewater rates were established by Ordinance No. 5298, <br />dated May 25, 1971. As you know, approval of the Common <br />Council is required to change municipal utility rates. Further, <br />the Public Service Commission of Indiana must approve the rates <br />of the Waterworks.. <br />IC 8- 1 -2 -96 (Amended by House Act No. 1019) requires <br />that the municipal utility must be maintained in sound physical <br />and financial condition. Reasonable and just charges are to be <br />made for services and should produce sufficient revenues to <br />pay maintenance costs, operating costs, depreciation, debt <br />service, applicable taxes, extensions and replacements, provide <br />adequate working capital and an adequate return on the invest- <br />ment in the utility plant. "Any rate too low to meet the <br />foregoing requirements is unlawful." Therefore, because of <br />the operating and cash deficiencies, it appears that the utilities <br />may be in violation of this statute. <br />At the present time there are several ordinances in <br />effect which govern the financial requirements of the utilities: <br />Ordinance No. <br />Waterworks: <br />Commentary <br />4321 Dated May 23, 1960 - Authorized the issuance <br />of $1,9+0,000 revenue bonds, which expire <br />in 1980. The ordinance requires the maintenance <br />of, and allocation of revenues to, an Operating <br />and Maintenance Fund, Depreciation Fund and <br />Bond and Interest Fund. Funds allocated to <br />the Depreciation and Bond and Interest Funds <br />are restricted as to use of funds. Also required <br />is maintenance of facilities, financial records <br />and adequate balances to retire bonded debt. <br />Wastewater: <br />3959 Dated February 8, 195+ - Authorized the issuance <br />of $8,500,000 revenue bonds, which expire in <br />1984. Requirements are similar to Ordinance No. <br />4321 for allocation of revenues and funding of <br />reserves. <br />