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(h) The Common Council shall review on a regular basis all rates and <br />charges established pursuant to this Article. Said review shall <br />be conducted at, at least four (4) year intervals, beginning with <br />four (4) years from the effective date of this Subsection. The <br />Director of Utilities shall file all pertinent data needed by the <br />Council, on or before June lst of the year in which the rates <br />and charges shall be reviewed. <br />SECTION III. There shall be added to Chapter 17, Article 4, of <br />the Municipal Code of the City of South Bend, a Section 17 -45.1 which <br />shall read as follows: <br />Section 17 -45.1. There shall be, and are hereby established for the <br />use of and the services rendered by.the Water Works system of the City of <br />South Bend for a family dwelling unit located in a apartment complex, <br />hotel or motel, or mobile home park the following rates and charges: <br />A minimum charge shall be levied for each family dwelling unit <br />located in an apartment complex, hotel or motel or mobile home <br />park of three dollars (3.00) per month per family dwelling unit <br />or of the metered cubic feet consumption for the apartment complex, <br />hotel or motel or mobile home park as computed in accordance with <br />Section 14 -45, whichever is greater. <br />SECTION IV. Section 17 -46 of Article 4 of the Municipal Code of <br />the City of South Bend, Indiana, shall be amended in its entirety to <br />read as follows: <br />Section 17 -46. All bills for water services not paid within fifteen <br />(15) days from the due date thereof, as stated in such bills, shall <br />be subject to a collection or deferred payment charge of ten (10) <br />percent on the first six dollars ($6.00) and three (3) percent on <br />the excess over six dollars ($6.00). <br />SECTION V. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from <br />and after its passage, approval by the Mayor and legal publication; pro- <br />vided, however, that this Ordinance shall not become effective unless and <br />until the schedule of rates and charges herein set forth shall have been <br />approved by the Public Service Commission of Indiana, or until such time <br />as said Commission shall direct; and until such approval by the Public <br />Service Commission of Indiana, and existing rates and charges of the <br />Water Works of the City of South Bend shall continue in effect. <br />Member of the Common Council <br />Passed, as amended, September 15, 1980. <br />