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,i�layo;r Roger 0. Parent -3- August 5, lyb <br />Ordinance No. Commentary <br />5298 Dated May 25, 1971 - Authorized the issuance <br />of $3,190,000 revenue bonds which expire in <br />1990. <br />It is imperative, for the protection of the bondholders <br />and the maintenance of an appropriate bond rating, that there <br />be an adequate provision of revenues and maintenance of proper <br />reserve requirements. A deteriorating financial condition can <br />jeopardize the status of the utilities <br />The purpose of a cost of service study and rate - <br />setting is to allocate.the costs to each user class, dependent <br />upon the volume of usage and requirements of each customer. <br />An underlying assumption is that a certain level of quality <br />of service will be maintained. The process itself is a complex <br />one and is further complicated by the practices of the Public <br />Service Commission. By regulation, only "fixed, known and <br />measurable costs" are allowed in determining rates which are <br />substantially based on historical financial data. There is <br />generally no provision for anticipated, undocumented expenses; <br />i.e. cost increases due to inflationary effects are not consid- <br />ered in rate - setting. Additionally, there has not been acceptance <br />of an allowance for an adequate return on investment in utility <br />plant, because of the difficulty in determining a suitable <br />rate of return for a municipal utility. As you can see, in <br />the present economic times, it is difficult to maintain <br />adequate rates to compensate for cost increases for signifi- <br />cant length of time. <br />As indicated above, it is apparent that it is necessary <br />to seek a rate increase for the Waterworks and Wastewater <br />Treatment Departments. Based upon data we have presently <br />compiled, the rate increasesrequired would be an average of <br />approximately 84% for Waterworks and 74% for Wastewater Treatment. <br />These increases should provide adequate revenues to cover the <br />costs itemized above and maintain a quality level of service.and <br />capital improvements. Under current economic conditions, it appears <br />that the increase would be sufficient for a period of two to four <br />years. However, that is predicated on current economic trends <br />and no significant variance from these trends. <br />It is important to consider the composition of the <br />proposed rate increases. Because a cost of service study is <br />designed to determine the cost of service to various user <br />groups, certain groups will be bearing a higher percentage <br />increase than the average and certain groups will bear a lower <br />percentage. It is anticipated that the range from the average <br />will not be significantly large and will approximate 8o/ - 93 %. <br />