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"EXHIBIT C" <br />RESOLUTION NO. <br />WHEREAS., the City of South Bend desires to annex to the <br />City, certain territory described in the attached exhibit incor- <br />porated herein, made a part hereof, and marked Exhibit A; and <br />WHEREAS, it appears that there is water service in the <br />immediate proximity to the territory to be annexed, but such water <br />line is separated from the territory by the Indiana East -West. Toll <br />Road; and other water service lines in the area are at a more <br />remote distance to the territory; and it appears that there will <br />be for the foreseeable future no residential users and only one <br />commercial user of the territory; and, <br />WHEREAS, it further appears that the City would not within <br />its existing boundaries, taking into consideration areas of simi- <br />lar topography, patterns of land utilization, and population den- <br />sity, extend water service to such area.. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the.Board of Water Works <br />Commissioners of the City of South Bend, Indiana: <br />SECTION I. The Board now having considered the factors of <br />the remoteness of existing City water supply and the cost of <br />extending such services, the small geographical area involved in <br />the territory to be annexed, the fact of no existing residential , <br />usage of the territory and the limited commercial use to which the <br />territory will be put within the foreseeable future, the feasibility <br />of wells as a source of water supply in the territory, and the <br />existence of an enclosed sanitary sewer system serving the area <br />to aid in insuring a safe water supply, the Board now determines <br />that it is not necessary nor economically feasible for the City <br />to extend its water service to the territory to be annexed. <br />Adopted this day of 1980. <br />BOARD OF WATER WORKS COMMISSIONERS <br />of the City of South Bend, Indiana <br />Patrick M. McMahon <br />Joseph E. Kernan <br />Richard L. Hill <br />Attest: <br />Michaelene Wojcik, Clerk <br />