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Access Agreement - South Bend Range EPA Testing - MACOG
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Access Agreement - South Bend Range EPA Testing - MACOG
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SITE ACCESS AGREEMENT WITH PROPERTY OWNER <br />TO ALLOW FOR COMPLETION OF ENVIRONMENTAL SITE ASSESSMENT6 <br />$1'5(/$7('$&7,9,7,(6 <br />MACOG REGIONAL BROWNFIELDS COALITION <br />This Site Access Agreement (“Agreement”) is made by and between _____________________ <br />____________________ (“Owner”), Michiana Area Council of Governments (“MACOG”), and <br />its designated consultant 5REHUWV(QYLURQPHQWDO6HUYLFHV//&(“Consultant”) regarding the <br />Owner’s property located at_______________________________________________ (“Site”). <br />MACOG requests permission for the Consultant and/or other authorized environmental <br />contractors, employees of the local government, employees of MACOG, or other designees <br />authorized by MACOG and/or the Consultant (collectively, “Authorized Parties”) to enter the <br />Site for the exclusive purpose of conducting environmental investigation activities associated <br />with potential petroleum and/or hazardous substances contamination. Prior to Authorized <br />Parties entering the site, MACOG shall provide notice to the Owner to specify the Authorized <br />Parties and MACOG will notify the owner of changes in the list of Authorized Parties. <br />1. Owner hereby grants permission to Authorized Parties to enter upon the Site to perform <br />investigation activities at the Site as part of the MACOG Regional Brownfields Coalition. <br />This permission is effective immediately upon the execution of this Agreement by Owner <br />and acceptance of the Agreement by MACOG. <br />2. As a condition of this agreement, the Owner will provide the following information: <br />a. Known location of any utility and/or infrastructure improvement on the property. <br />b. Access to the entire Site for the purposes set forth in this Agreement including all exterior <br />and interior (if applicable) areas of the Site. <br />3. The permission granted by Owner under this Agreement is contemplated to be used for the <br />following activities that may be performed by Authorized Parties: <br />a. Accessing areas where contamination may exist, including areas where underground <br />storage tanks (“USTs”), aboveground storage tanks (“ASTs”) or petroleum and/or <br />hazardous substances releases are, or are suspected to be, located; including if necessary <br />the removal of a UST to access contamination underneath the UST; <br />b. Investigation of soil, groundwater and air or vapor, or other material deemed appropriate <br />by MACOG including, but not limited to, the installation of soil borings, test pits and/or <br />installation and maintenance of temporary or permanent groundwater monitoring wells, <br />the use of geophysical equipment, the use of drilling equipment for collection of samples, <br />the logging, gauging and sampling of existing wells, videotaping, preparation of site <br />sketches, taking photographs, and any testing or sampling; <br />c. Survey of asbestos-containing material and lead-based paint conditions; <br />d. Clandestine Drug Lab / Meth Lab Inspection; <br />e. On-Site observation and oversight of environmental investigation activities; <br />f. Disclosure of environmental information as required by law. <br />City of South Bend <br />133 Cherry Street, South Bend, IN 46628
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