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135 <br />-- - t - -- �i I . • , <br />$1,150.90 as of August 31, 1990; and <br />WHEREAS, there was created by Ordinance No. 7037 -82 a special fund known as the <br />Arson Protection Fund (Fund No. 293), deposits therein to be used by the Police and <br />Fire Departments specifically for the purpose of training arson investigators and <br />for the purchase of equipment to be used for arson investigations, monies to be <br />deposited in such fund having been derived from an Arson Protection Assistance <br />Grant provided by the State of Indiana to the City of South Bend Bend, and other <br />money generated by Police and Fire Department arson activities, and having a <br />balance of $72.64 as of August 31, 1990; and <br />WHEREAS, there was created by Ordinance No. 4830 -66 a special fund known as the <br />Industrial Development Fund (Fund No. 296), deposits therein to be used to <br />construct municipal improvements in pursuance of the development of the South Bend <br />Industrial Development Program, monies to be deposited in such fund deriving from a <br />$100,000.00 loan to the South Bend Industrial Development Fund from the State of <br />Indiana, and having a balance of $219.62 as of August 31, 1990; and <br />WHEREAS, there was created by Ordiannce No. 7196 -83 a special non - reverting fund <br />known as the Volunteer Program Fund (Fund No. 297), deposits therein to fund <br />expenditures for costs of a volunteer program designed provide additional <br />expertise and efficiency where limited funds do not allow the City to otherwise <br />acquire these services, monies, to be deposited in such fund to be generated by <br />grants and donations, and having a balance of $6,000.00 as of August 31, 1990; and <br />WHEREAS, there has been established a special fund known as the Economic <br />Development Administration Fund (Fund No. 411), deposits therein to account for <br />expenditures for specific improvement projects, monies to be deposited therein to <br />be derived from federal grants, having a balance of $1,158.00 as of August 31, <br />1990; and <br />WHEREAS, each of the above - referenced special funds has been dormant and inactive <br />for several years; and <br />WHEREAS, there has been established a special fund known as the Economic <br />Development Administration Fund (Fund No. 411), deposits therein to account for <br />expenditures for specific improvement projects, monies to be deposited therein to <br />be derived from federal grants, and having a balance of $1,158.00 as of August 31, <br />1990; and <br />WHEREAS, each of the above - referenced special funds has been dormant and inactive <br />for several years; and <br />WHEREAS, the Common Council of the City of South Bend, Indiana has determined that <br />the purpose of each of the above- referenced funds has been met, and that it is in <br />the best interest of the City of South Bend that said funds be closed and any <br />monies remaining on deposit therein be transferred to the General Fund of the City <br />of South Bend, Indiana. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Common Council of the City of South Bend, <br />Indiana, as follows: <br />1. That the below - listed funds of the City of South Bend, Indiana should be, and <br />hereby are, declared dormant: <br />FUND BALANCE <br />#204 - Parking Meter Fund $ 0.00 <br />#206 - Human Rights Commission Fund $1,150.00 <br />#293 - Arson Protection Fund $ 72.64 <br />#296 - Industrial Development Fund $ 219.62 <br />#297 - Volunteer Program Fund $6,000.00 <br />#411 - Economic Dev. Administration Fund $1,158.00 <br />